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I really had fun with the look this time! I wanted to play of this awesome day wig and do some sort of succubus look! I don’t think I’m the biggest fan of the drape lingerie for the future lol but I did have fun have a little bit of attitude and sass!  Do you guys like a little bit of monster flair to the exclusive shoot? i think its kind of fun! i feel more playful for sure

I just wanna also take the time to ask you to read my most recent Instagram post! I don’t wanna be too much of a downer here on my exclusive set post  so please go check it out as it talks about everything that I’ve been feeling lately and everything im working through. 

But for how much poo poo ive been through the past week physically and mentally finallu everything got mailed out for the december rewards! whihc is a huge relief thanks to all the set backs we had! so expect a letter from me soon if you are in those tiers! also this  is a good time to just remind everyone to always check your address you have listed! make sure there is one an that it is correct so i can get your rewards to you! 

got a couple more set before the end opf the month and then we in feburary! what should the theme for the month of love be?!? suggestions?




Point me towards the dotted line! 😍


This set is absolutely breathtaking!!! <3