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so this wasn’t actually created to be a glow up or anything actually hahah It just that I had left the original outfit in Oregon and had left my large flower Prop in LA so when ALA came around and I was picking what to wear I was like huh I should probably re wear that giant back piece again that took me forever to make rather than let it sit gathering dust only having been worn once. but of course I hadn’t been prepared to cosplay ivysaur when I came down to Cali so I just whipped together a new outfit because that’s what I’ve always loved about cosplaying Pokémon is the creative freedom! As long as you have the certain basic iconic features and colors of the Pokémon it’s recognizable!!

and lots of people have asked how I wear or make this large back piece so I’m putting together a smol tutorial to explain it!  




I want to see if I can change out the flower for like a pumpkin or cactus!!! Since it’s plant! It’d be really fun!

Briar Rosie

The color composition of this outfit is pastel heaven and I love it