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So I’ve been made aware, while I’m at a convention trying to do my job and have fun, that my content from Patreon is being leaked on to public websites. I did not give consent to this. And I am shaking right now. Because I’m at a convention right now there isn’t much I can do. But it really makes me question the way I run things, and some major changes might be happening soon because apparently I can’t trust what I thought was my close knit family on here. I will be taking legal action. I did not want things to resort to this. But this is entirely unacceptable.



I agree. Leaking should not be happening when we're paying for your exclusive content. I'm sorry this has been happening to you Bukkit. I hope whatever you do works out. 💜


This makes me so mad!!! THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE A FUN SAFE SPACE... and the fun is being drained and clearly our Bukkit doesn’t feel safe here anymore... whoever is doing this, you can see this and I want you to know you make me friggin sick! I’m so sorry Bukkit, if you need someone’s kneecaps removed let me know...


Thats really cruddy of some people especially since were all here support a wonderful person like yourself and theyre just paying to get the content not even thinking about your feelings

Luke Conboy

I hope you get this all sorted out bukkit, if there’s anything I can do to help please let me know and I’ll gladly help, I hope whatever rat fuck is leaking your content gets caught and gets exactly what they deserve. I whisk you all the best with this bukkit 💛💛💛💛💛

Aude Lou

How can someone would do that ?! This is so disrespectful for your hard work !! I hope you will find a way to resolve that ! Wish you a good day anyway and sending you lots of hugs and love ♥️

Richard Beach

Hope everything gets sorted out. Typically I would say something along the lines of “I can’t believe someone would do this”, but in all realty I’m not really all that surprised. Shame on them for breaking that trust you had and their actions possibly ruining it for everyone else. Let me know if I can do anything to help

Meredith L

That is awful! I'm so sorry you have to deal with awful people especially on here!! If we can help we will just say the word

Meredith L

Also you've warned them before, bring the full force of the law down on them. Kick ass.


Oh, sweet Bukkit. We will help you get this sorted out. Enjoy the rest of your con and reach out to me when things are settled and we will figure it out. I’m here for you.


I don’t really appreciate that when they share creators content or any artist stuff. You deserve the to be payed for time and work.


That is truly awful to hear that happened! Hopefully everything works out and you are able to get that under control and they stop that. Definitely take the legal action. And we support you no matter what. If there is anything you need let us know.


That's terrible, I'm sorry that people are awful. It's horrendous that anyone would do that to you. I hope you are able to get this situation sorted with the legal stuff to hold that person accountable. Goodluck! ♡

Raven million

I am sorry this happened. I hope everything will be sorted out soon. we support you and have your back. you need to do what you have to in order to get this fixed.