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Just a few of my favorite photos I took this weekend!!!
all these are taken at either one of these locations 

-Portland Japanese garden 

-hwy 86/ multnomah falls

-hood River/ mt hood 

I had a really nice time getting to go out in nature even if my body kind of failed me hahhhhhh not used to being this weak.  

hope You guys like these!!! I just thought  id Share the peacefulness!! 




I've never felt so happy and envious at the same time. I've gotta go to these places if I ever visit Oregon


Bukkit you are the best!!! I love all of these!!! They’re all amazing!!!


These are amazing! I want to go to that waterfall bridge so bad!

Alasdair Peter Martin

You’re fucking beautiful, but also fucking crazy! Aren’t you worried about bears!!!?




Can we save some of these? They'd make fantastic wallpapers for my phone/tablet


Nahhhh bears are kind of dumb! If I saw a bear cub I’d be scared because mama bears are protective af but otherwise bears by themselves are pretty easy to handle. They aren’t aggressive by nature is only defense

Alasdair Peter Martin

Brown bears are aggressive by nature, the male ones try to eat their own cubs! All they want to do is kill and eat, they can smell you from 10miles away. Black bears alittle less dangerous but I wouldn’t risk neither.


I am stunned by these! They are so beautiful, such amazing places. I’ve been trying to get my husband to take a vacation to Oregon or Washington.


So beautiful! You take amazing pictures! Jealous that it's still fall where you are. We've had like 6" of snow for the past 2 weeks.

Reynard Vulptease

On your coast trip, did you get a chance to see the Darlingtonia State Natural Site just North of Florence. Some carnivorous plants there!

Daniel Leary

This place looks awesome. SO FUCKING PICTURESQUE


Would love to see a video of stuff


Wow that's beautiful