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Before the end of the month I will get out two more cosplays for y’all on here!

One of them being the exclusive set which I’ll probably shoot and edit tomorrow!

And the other I’ll make a voting poll soon so you guys can pick!

Ive been working hard on dragon KIRI so I know updates aren’t as fun while I’m literally in my most potato form being a crafting gremlin in my house.

I’m really super excited scored about it all I love cosplays that challenge me and that I’m constantly think about the mechanics on! It’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed creating a cosplay so much!

I’m trying to get a lot of this done because the first weekend of November I’m gonna be showing my mom around Oregon! And I’ll have just simple adventure updates for you guys. And then I’ll come back home to craft some more before thefunian gets here. While he’s here expect sooooo many awesome shoots!!!!

Then I’m gonna be driving down to California for thanksgiving but photoshoots will still be going on though the tiktok side of my content make lack a little due to not having a backdrop.

Hopefully after all that I’ll be headed back to Oregon and MAYBE HOPEFULLY headed to holiday matsuri? JUST kind of potentially working those details out

But anyways I know I’ve been quiet these past few days but get ready for awesome things!!



I’m supper excited to see what’s to come!!


I’d be so excited if you went to holmat! My friends convinced me to go!