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I hope there will be a video of this


That sounds super good actually 😅


Oh lord just make sure you're prepared

Luke Conboy

Yo I had one of the black ones from the same brand for the first time recently, if that’s hotter then good lord please don’t hurt yourself


It’s two times as hot! But I’ve had the black one before so at least I know what I’m in for


Have fun! And have something to cool your mouth with nearby incase it turns out way hotter than you expect 😛

Elijah Ulrich

So, just how hot is it can? Because I do enjoy hot spicy foods


You’ll like it but it’s just like chewing raw jalapeños forever without swallowing

Joseph Ventriere

I’m a soldier in Korea and I have access to SO many different kinds of these things. Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll try to send some to your PO!