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Tabletop Radio Hour

The last week....uuuuhhhhh I might have developed a problem then...

Sean Michaels

There is a really silly kids show called chip and potato and the character potato would be super easy to do lol


Sorry, love!!! I hope you feel better soon!!!

Luis Soto

That fuzzy thing on your lap seems to be enough reason to stay on the couch. Hoping you get to feeling better soon 💕🦊💕🦊💕🦊


this is officially the cutest potato i’ve ever seen ^^


Feel better love!!!

Nikolas Sink

Still looking pretty good for being so sick between this and the bed head I'm starting to think that its impossible for you to not look good. Hope you feel better eat plenty of Jewish penacilin.


At least you're drinking water and taking care of yourself. Even the couch potato needs some self care. 💙💙 hope you feel better soon.