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Gonna be

Renji Arbarai From bleach

Natsu from fairytale

Princess Mononoke

And my own design for ivysaur from pokemon

Idk which days will be which yet but yay!!!

Also I just remembered Patreon has like a story feature thing so I posted something on it!!!

Also hope you guys have begun to get your mail from the physical rewards tiers!


Gary Chambers

Can't wait to see how your ivysaur turns out

Caitlin Mazura

I can’t wait to see Ivysaur!!! I love Pokémon designs so much.


I can’t wait to see Renji!! ❤️❤️

Sean Michaels

Don't apologize for posting we have specifically chosen to be here for your posts, if anything please post more!


Omgggggg this lineup is EVERYTHIIIIING


Yo, we fully support multiple posts. We literally came here for it. :)

Jennifer Jones

I love love love my voice message 😊 thank you so much ♥️