Poll: Ash Story Direction (Patreon)
Hey I figured since this story was voted into existence by a poll, we'd have a poll to determine what comes next in the story as well!
You can vote multiple times. The poll will end once I finish this request I'm working on.
Looking at the options will inherently spoiler you though. (At least for part 3)
You have been warned. :)
Option #4 (Gary takes relationship....) is kind of a "skip" option. That part of the story will probably happen sometime within the next few parts, but I listed it in case people want to see it right away.
I figured I'd take it slow with this one and have Ash do a bunch of embarrassing stuff before becoming Gary's lover, but there's really no issue having that happen earlier on. Just know that the overall story "might" end up a bit shorter as a result.
Which is fine by me. I can always make a different story/premise with feminizing Ash later on.