Goals 3: Onto March (Patreon)
Thanks for everyone who stayed a Patron this month, even though my uploads were fairly infrequent.
I wasn't able to finish many of my goals, but I'm staying ambitious on next month's goals either way. Lots to look forward to.
Last Month's Goals- Looking back:
"#1. Unfinished Patron Request"
Finished this in like a day and a half. I'm even more stalled on requests then last month this time around.
"#2. Gyaru Story."
I thought I had time to caption Clubbing with Sis and finish this, but requests piled up and I didn't get around to it. I've wanted to finish this for a while but it just keeps eluding me. It just sucks because I said I would for sure do it. I didn't want to lie to you guys but it just ended up working out that way. Sorry again.
"#3 Finish up Captioned Reposts."
Partially complete. Gyaru and Ballerina are the last uncaptioned stories now. Those should be half the work of Club but I'll need to clean up Ballerina a bit.
"#4 New "Good ending" story"
Not a single one last month. Patron requests wanted the boy to end up forced fem, and club wasn't really a happy ending... I guess if you stopped partway in the Cure for a Convention Crasher story it was a happy end?
"#5 Finish Remilia Story."
Didn't even have time to touch it.
"#6 Patron Requests."
didn't finish them... one and one half requests left...
#7 Learn new stuff.
NovelAI changed a bit, and I adapted to the higher quality and was able to plan out using my resources more efficiently. Most of my images should be higher quality now, and larger as well. I experimented with another Deviant Artist's AI strategy of using cutouts of character expressions instead of having both characters in the shot together. It doesn't look as good as having two chars in the same shot, but it is amazingly faster to do things this way. For the Lelouch story, it's practically required as having nina and lelouch wearing each others clothes in the same shot is actually impossible. Even with tags like "clothes swap" and "genderswap," having a girl wearing pants and a guy wearing a skirt is very hard for NovelAI to understand.
This Month's Goals` Looking Forward:
#1 Unfinished Patron Requests.
Two of them this time. Hopefully I can finish them soon, but I'm moving over the course of this next week, so I'll have limited time.
#2 Gyaru Story
After Patron Requests, I'm jumping right into this. Ignoring the poll and everything else, I want this done and captioned.
#3 Finish Captioned Reposts
Ballerina and Gyaru specifically. This one shouldn't be hard now that club is done.
#4 Get Started on Patron Request Winner.
The winner, with 35 votes, was "2. Ash Ketchum (Pokemon) loses a high stakes match and is forced to be a wife." I'll try and make a part 1 of this. Don't know if I'll keep this PG/make it a happy end or make this (and Ashs' age) 18+ and make this later on in Ashs' journey. I'll probably stay away from recent anime story notes and just keep this as a simple Ash/Gary story. Unless I find that NovelAI knows a male char from pokemon who I think is more interesting then Gary.
#5 Good Ending Story
People wanted it in the poll, so I might challenge myself to write another one. Maybe one of the other Poll story ideas?
#6 Remilia Story
Only one part left, and I want it done so I can move on. This will be a good test of what NovelAi can do as far as Infantilism/baby outfits. Lots of Chijoku An doujins have the main character regressing from an adult man into a girly toddler/baby, and I think a lot of those stories work out really well as a vehicle for shame/humiliation without expressly needing a lot of lewd scenes. NovelAI doesn't like clothed sex scenes very much... It's usually a struggle.
#7 Learn more.
I want to see if I can use the draw feature to control where the arms of my characters are going. One of the poses I like is of the dominant male pulling the feminized male closer for a forced kiss. Hand on the back of the girls guy's head, and arm around their waist. For whatever reason though, the "hand on head" tag results in a head pat 9 times out of 10. If I could learn how to fix this that would be great.