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Who is currently developing the game?

It's just me. I have programming and 3d experience and have been in the industry for a bit now. That means I do everything like character design, Character 3D models and textures, rigging, animation, storyline and dialogue writing, set design, environment models and textures, programming the framework, bug testing, publishing and a ton of other shit like marketing materials, keeping up with messages on Discord/Patreon/Itch.io and legal stuff. It's a lot of work, but I really love Milfs.

Can I offer you help developing the game?

At this time, no. The game is my baby and I want to remain as close to it as possible.  If you want to help, please discuss ideas, vote in polls, critique my work, report bugs and spread the word around for the game whenever you get a chance.

Can any character be recommended so long as they are in a cartoon?

Yes! While Edgeville is about "Milfs", it really is growing beyond that. So there's no limit but just be aware that some characters are harder to implement than others. Superheroes that can fly, have super-strength, etc are difficult because of their abilities. But if you have a good idea on how to make it work, please suggest them!

When do we vote on the next character?

The last character vote was for Jessica Rabbit. I'm still building the game's framework so I can't hold a character vote too often. Ideally, in the future, character's will be added once or twice a month. For now, its historically taken 2-3 months for one character, but that was only because I was building a ton of other game systems at the same time. Potentially, we could start the voting process earlier and just have a backlog of characters already scheduled out. I'll think about it with the Patreons and update this later.

How long does it take you to get a character in the game?

Creating the model and having her physically in the game? Only about a week. Having her walk around, talk to you, give you quests, and have H-Scenes ready to go takes a lot longer, however, every day that passes I have more resources to work with. In the future, you can expect a new character once or twice a month, depending on the complexity of the storyline. For now, we'll all have to be patient.

How do you decide which characters get voted on?

I take name suggestions from all Patreon Members. Once there's a list of like 10, we historically voted on them to see which ones make it to the Public Polling. So a list of nominations gets trimmed down to around 10 names by me, then that list is voted on and that gets trimmed down to 4 names by my top Patreon Members. (3 Main votes + 1 Wildcard. Wildcards are characters that I believe have a lot of potential but usually fly under the radar). Once we have our 4 names, we open the vote to the rest of the Patreon Members as well as the public. If you are a Patreon Member, I'll try to advertise those polls as much as possible so you don't miss out.

Where do I download the latest version of the game?

The download page can be found here for all Patreon Members (For now): Edgeville [Game] by CCG Games (itch.io)

I just became a Patreon Member, but the download is asking me to pay $100. What’s going on?

Please don't pay that unless you really want to support me. Sometimes it takes some time before Patreon is authorized by Itch.IO to let you download it for free. This process usually takes a couple of hours at most. If you still can't access it after 2 hours, message me and I'll create a temporary unique key for you to download it. If you don't want to wait the 2 hours, feel free to message me as well. Just don't pay the $100.

When will “X” character be available?

It depends on the voting. It also depends on my time. Hopefully this project takes off and I'll be able to add characters in a lot sooner. There is a list of about 200 names that I'm working with, so chances are your character is on that list.

Can I pay you more to get “X” character in?

No, I'm sorry. But just message me and tell me how much you like your specific character. Trust me, I listen. Your character will be in before you know it.

There is not enough NSFW H-Content in the game yet. When can I expect more?

This is at the top of my priority list along with creating a quality game in general. I definitely don't want this game to just turn into "walk up to a milf, press X to f*ck". I think the game holds more value if the story is right, and you have to work for the scenes. Even still, I can definitely appreciate the need for more content. You'll get it. I'll try to add something every update.

Do I need to be a member on Discord to get updates or talk to you?

Not at all. PLEASE message me on Patreon if you don't have Discord. I love talking to people and my patrons (It helps me keep my finger on the pulse, so to speak). You guys have some really great ideas and I want to hear from you. As far as updates, I try my best to provide the same updates on all platforms (Patreon, Discord, and Itch.io). In the past, it was Discord-heavy, but I've fixed that mistake and am now trying to update on Patreon as my first priority.

Can you add more than one language translation?

Sure! For now, since there's no voice-over work, that's not a big deal as long as I'm provided with the translation. If that happens, then I can add that as a potential feature in the roadmap.

There is a game breaking bug. What do I do?

Message me on Patreon. Message me on Discord. Like, be annoying about it. I would love that.

There is a normal, non-game breaking bug. What do I do?

I do all my own bug testing, so chances are I'm aware of it. But still, please use the Discord channel #bug-reporting.

I want more interaction with the characters than just pulling weeds. Do you have any plans for that?

Yes. Doing "chores" sounds good on paper, but I think we all realized fairly quickly that we all want more. Myself included. That's tough since part of the appeal of this game is the casual atmosphere part of it. And there are other things that are philosophically tough. For instance, having a gun when the only other characters in the game right now are women you want to sleep with, is problematic to say the least. I have ideas though on how to make the interactions more engaging and making the game more fun without losing the "casualness" of it. If you have ideas, again, I'd love to hear them.

Are you going to include "X" kink in the game?

There are ideas being thrown around for specific kinks like Futanari, Lesbian, Gay, Pregnancy and Furry kinks. I can expand on these ideas if there is enough interest, but they will always be optional for you to play them. (Maybe a separate exe download or a checkbox whenever you start the game, don't know.)

I have an in-game solution for other kinks. BBW, Bimbos, Goths, etc...mostly dealing with body aesthetics are planned to be in the game at some point. You'll love what I came up with, I promise.

Are you going to include Dating Sim Elements?

Yep. That seems to be where this is going. I'll keep you posted.

Is there anything you want your Patreon Members to know?

Like the Medici family, who fueled the Renaissance with their visionary support for the arts and culture, you are the driving force behind my creative endeavor and our collective product. I am humbled by your continued patronage.



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