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Type questions for a fan video coming out in a week. Ask anything reasonable and not disturbed. History, geopolitics, personal taste etc...



If you possessed the ability to change one major geographic location on a continent and change it to another (For example: Make the Sahara Desert Green in our time, Place Great Lake equivalents in South America, Flatten the Himalayan mountain range) what would you change and how would it impact the history of that region?


In your video on China you said that you only give a 20% chance of them becoming a superpower. If China is a paper tiger than what should the main focus of US foreign policy be? Is it likely that the Two-Party System will end in the US? In the past few days Russia has put 100,000 troops on its border with Ukraine. Do you think a war will happen and if so, would the US get involved?


What was that major life transition and how about patreon only live streams or a patreon only discord


Do you think a constitutional Monarchy in America (the likes of which were in Prussia) would 1. Be likely to happen in America? And 2. Be an improvement to American politics? Personally I think it would be a major improvement given that as America grows larger, a Democracy/Republic being done on a national scale becomes less feasible without some sort of neutral party intervening from time to time. Also do you think the First Past The Post system will eventually go away?


1. What are your thoughts on Biden's infrastructure package? 2. In response to economic hardships prompted by the pandemic, governments have been spending and printing massive amounts of money. Will the U.S. in particular be subject to a severe dollar devaluation, hyperinflation, and another drop in credit rating? I know this sounds outlandish, but it seems like the national debt has become irrelevant and the U.S. economy "too big to fail" like the dinosaurs. 3. Are unions in the workplace still relevant? 4. What if the assassination attempts on Gerald Ford or Ronald Reagan were successful?


Who would have won in a fight, Teddy Roosevelt or Abraham Lincoln?


Do not overestimate Prussia. Although very efficient in its time, Prussia was a regimental society (people said that the army owned the state, not the other way around) incompatible with the libertarian American culture. A regime as authoritarian and militaristic as Prussia would be resented both by the Americans and the rest of the world. The military and demographic might of the US combined with the aggressiveness of imperial Germany would be too big a threat for America to keep any ally. There are more democratic solutions to the US current problems.


Is European Union really a thing politically speaking? You've said that the EU would fall apart without American leadership but from an insider perspective it seems the EU and the US have pretty much nothing to do with one another. The EU is a strong economic system with little political power. All European governments know their economy benefit from the EU so won't destroy the common market, but are still too chauvinistic to give the EU real political, military or diplomatic powers. So I don't think the US getting more or less involved would change anything.


Frequently when South America gets mentioned in your videos, it typically is a continent full of broken nations with corrupt governments and lots of social unrest. A few weeks ago you published your map on which issues hold which nations back from becoming significant players in their respective regions. Again South America is promptly shown to be held back by its social issues. This made me wonder, how does a state that is plagued by its distinct lack of institutional development and social matters reform itself? Which of the South American nations is closest to doing it? How would you reform these countries and can you mention nations in the past managing to do it?


I've read in many places that Bengal was at verge of industrialization in the 18th century. Did India really have the social/economic/political/cultural conditions to enable an industrial revolution? If so, imagining it remained indpendendent, would it have an condition to compete globally with European for markets?


Why didn't the Anglo Saxon world have strong communist movements, while in democratic countries in continental Europe such as France, Italy and Germany they were such important forces, many times being close to winning elections, or even taking part in parliamenteary governments?


In your opinion, what are the specific ideological groups that make the most false historical claims (specific nationalists, afrocentrists, christian conservatives, marxists for example


1. Turchin. What have you read by him? Where would you recommend people start? Can we have a video overviewing his work from your perspective in particular? Is Turchin a super hero? 2. The Renaissance sparked a Golden Age of Power in Italy via Capitalism. Industrialism sparked a Golden Age of Power in Britain. The US seems to have inherited the British Empire in some form of global Capitalism---and prolonged the empire via its technological innovation. If technology or a change in social arrangements shifts the "gravitational center of capitalist power" in the next 100 years or so, what might cause it? How do we aim our society at such power to keep the English speaking world dynamic and powerful? Love you dude. Godspeed on the work.


1. What is your opinion on Ayn Rand? 2. Who did you vote for in the American elections? 3. What if Israel lost the six-day war? Would it still exist? How would modern middle eastern politics look like? 4. What is the latest point of departure you can think of to make Brazil a superpower? What about Sweden?


How do you personally define different political/ social systems as more or less moral/beneficial for humanity? Is there an objective(ish) way to create a hierarchy of best to worst socio-political systems in your opinion?


I'm actually very curious of what if Europe hadn't colonized Australia? Just wondering what kind of civilization it would have ended up being. I'm not sure how broad of a subject that is, but it just randomly popped in my headspace.


I have a few China and Rome Questions, I'll try to keep them short How different are ethnically Chinese minorities (e.g. Hakka, Yi, etc.) from the Han Chinese? Where is it in the spectrum of going from state to state in the US or country to country? Who would've been the more revolting emperor to the Roman elite, Elagabalus or Commodus? How likely do you think it is that China puts up a firewall against cryptocurrencies/bans it in the near future? Does Gallienus get a bad wrap as emperor? Also when would you put the start date of the crisis of the 3rd century, seems like people put it back to the Severans or all the way up to Maximinus Thrax? In the event of a US-China war how likely (you can just say likely or unlikely) that these civil wars break out/are propped up? 1) Thai Color Revolution against the monarchy 2) Islamic Insurgency on Mindanao (Philippines) 3) West Papua revolt from Indonesia 4)Any insurgency by a minority group in India (e.g. Muslims in Kashmir, Communists in the Northeast) 5) Rohingya revolt against Burma 6) Balochi or Pashtun revolt in Pakistan


1: What if the Great game turned into a war? 2: What if the Taiping Rebellion succeeded and what would be the results like ww1, ww2 etc? 3: What if the Russian Decemberist Revolt of 1825 Succeeded and what would be the results?


Have you ever been much of a gamer? If so what system(s) have you had and what are some of your favorite games?


How do you envision a US millennial retirement in the 2040’s and 2050’s. (Social programs, second large population wave to retire, economy)


Why in your opinion, did a scientific revolution not occur within the Umayyad/ Abbasid caliphate? This is despite some great advances in the sciences in the early period of the "Islamic Golden Age"


Hi, good to see you back! I'll have two questions from the 13th century 1) What If Philippe Auguste would have lost the battle of Bouvines? Would France have been strangled and the Angevin England restored? Would there have been no Magna Charta?


2) What If the French allied with the English barons would have won the battle of Lincoln in 1217 and put a French king on the English throne?


What would have happened if the first triumvirate hadn't fallen apart or if one of the others had come out on top? What if Cicero had accepted Caesars invitation? Would the Republic have survived and morphed or would it have collapsed? Would an autocracy like Augustus' empire still have arisen?


Regarding the Spanish Empire. I've heard all about their shortcomings, their inefficiencies and their decline. But, what did they do right? How did they create such a large empire and how did they keep it for such a relatively long amount of time? TLDR: What was the Spanish Empire good at?


What United States cities do you envision boom over the next 20 years, and what cities will majorly decline?


Do you think free speech should be absolute? Or are limitations potentially a good thing? ie in Germany you may face prison time for Holocaust denial.


If you could nominate anyone to run for U.S. president, who would you nominate? If you were, per se, tomorrow assigned the job of defeating China using any means necessary with the entire U.S. military and intelligence services at your disposal, how would you do it?


Definitely understand if you decide to skip this question, but how does this conflict in Myanmar end?


Hey whatifalthist, just wondering what do you think about the future of the lithium triangle region of Argentina, Bolivia, and Chile? Do you see a conflict arising in the future?


How would the twentieth century have been different if Henry Wallace had maintained the Vice Presidency in 1945?


Should the metric system be taught in American schools alongside imperial units?


How could we end up in a world just like cyberpunk in the future? ( Country sized corporations with their own militaries that fight wars, poverty & wealth inequality at an all time high despite tech progress) Do we already live in a cyberpunk world to a degree?


Was Germany sure the schlieffen plan would work. Or where they just betting big time?


How do you imagine a World were the Hungarian revolution of 1848 succeeded? As in the Hungary receiving independence from Austria that year. How would this affect the European power balance and WW1? https://youtu.be/jzi7O_1j248


Could the Soviet Union have won World war 2 without American interence to the war?


Germany doesn’t declare war on the us after Pearl Harbor. Yet loses at Stalingrad. Who wins ww2 than?


In a perfect world only the metric system would be taught.


In Greenland, the recent elections were won by the parties opposed to the rare earth mine project. The mine would have partially relieved world reliance on China for these strategic resources. Will foreign pressure enable the extraction to begin anyway? In either case, what are the consequences in the power play China vs the world?


When will the communist party of China collapse and what will replace it?


Kind of a weird question, but what would a Sumerian/Babylonian style irrigation society look like in a world where most of the populace had modern firearms? You've talked about how these societies tend to be God-king aristocracies or theocracies. Would the peasantry having guns weaken the central government's ability to oppress them and lead to more social mobility/equality, or would the government still be able to stifle any rebellion due to their monopoly on irrigation and the water supply?


How does the butterfly effect work? Like if Germany won ww1 or there was no French Revolution is there a chance your parents would have never met or you would be born a different gender or if the Spanish never conquered Mexico could peter the great have never been born?


If and when will China escape the middle income trap and will it ever become as polite, hopeful and clean as Taiwan since you said it isn’t now?


What’s your view on Freemasonry?


What would Russia have to do to become a US ally? And what are your predictions for the future of the US-Russia relationship?


How likely would it be for New Zealand to join Australia? What would it take?


With the recent military posturing happening between Russia and Ukraine, what is the likelihood of an actual escalation; perhaps a scenario where Russia tries to take over the eastern half or so of Ukraine?


Was the Iraq war justified?


Can you post some sources for your ww3 video ? so i can further look into this ?


Was the Iraq war a good or a bad idea?


Who is the biggest power in the EU and will that change?


Heard your voice on J.J. McCullough's channel! As an American, I'm fascinated by a lot of the uniquely Canadian issues he often talks about. Specifically in regards to Quebec and its complicated relationship with the rest of the provinces, as well as Canada's desire to culturally "distinguish" itself from the U.S. What is your perspective as a Canadian-American dual citizen?


what are your thoughts on trump, biden and trudeau and also which party do you feel closed to in canada and the usa ? what do you think of prince philip


Will you publish your History of the World and Cultural History of America once they’re done?


The second most spoken language in America has changed throughout history. Do you think it will change from Spanish to another in the future?

Christian Glen

What if Argentina was currently one of the great powers of the world?

Christian Glen

What if Apartheid South Africa had survived until the present day?

Christian Glen

What if modern day North Korea somehow existed in 1940?


How can Latin American nations become fully developed?


Does the US have any chance against China in a military conflict?


What’s your argument against Balaji? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-tim-ferriss-show/id863897795?i=1000514364656 His China vs US starts with about an hour left

Christian Glen

What if Iran had stayed Zoroastrian?


After watching your crisis of the 21centry you said with half the population the world would be a utopia. I hate to play devils advocate but what is the minimum amount of people you could kill to get a world like that and from what groups? Also would killing everyone in the world over 65 and those who are relatively poor for each nation result in a world like this? You also said you don’t know if we would have had a technological Revolution before crisis point. What if we did have one before crisis point?


"What If Teddy Roosevelt was killed in World War 1" He had approval from Congress to go to Europe but Woodrow Wilson said no, I'm not sure what kind of effect on morale that would have but I'm pretty sure Americans would like Germans a lot less, maybe America would join the second world war right away.

Boris Lam

Based on the current trajectory of US demographics, do you think US will become more conservative or more liberal? Will it retain its Founder's culture or become more like a social democratic state in Europe? Is it even possible for a large country like US to become a social democracy state?


Best general of the classical (sword) age, premodern (musket) age and modern (tank) age?


When the crisis of the 21 century comes what will be the best countries to be in?


How could Russia make a comeback?


What's your favorite alternate history/future history novel or short story?


1: Which would be a better timeline, Roosevelt 1912, no ww1 or no USSR and why? 2: What if the Dutch conquered and kept Brazil? 3: What if Frederick the Great United Germany? 4: How would the decline of racism and decolonization play out in your Roosevelt 1912 vid and no USSR vid? 5: What if France invaded Germany during their invasion of Poland and how would communism in Asia play out in that timeline? 6: What if the protestants won the French wars of religion? 7: What would be the long-term cultural and Geo political effects of if the French revolution never happened?


A future history where the GOP transforms in to a pro capitalist workers party, where abandoning certain old policies ( pro big business, pro multinational corporation, or anything big ). And wins minority working men and entrepreneurs


What if the French never lost Vietnam?


What if Narmer never united Egypt?

Christian Glen

What if I had a girlfriend?


do u think the US is going to buy green land in the future also do u think the us is going to annex north of Mexico?