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A lot of them are too low quality to read when zoomed in. Can you please reupload those in higher quality?


Literally all of them lmao


The maps you made in your: What if Europeans never colonized America video. About the civilizational level of different areas of the Americas in 1492. Purple for urban societies, green for primitive farming, and red for hunter gatherers. I would like you to combine the map of North America, the map of South America and that you make a map of central America and the caribbean. So all of the Americas. And maybe with more details, as well as fully updated, if you have gained knew knowledge about pre-columbian America since.


All of them, plz


How about a remake of the "What if the reconquista failed?".


You made a map of the religious make up of Europe in 16th century. You could make that one more detailed. And maps of the religious make up of Europe in year 1650, 1700,1800etc. Possible adding the different sects of potestantism like lutheranism, calvinism, anglicanism, hussites/bohemian protestantism


Honestly I kinda wanna see the 2100 map posted here


New maps of your old videos like Teddy Roosevelt and Napoleon victories and no American Revolution


Your “why does your nation exist” map I thought was cool, I would love to see a full upload of it on here if you haven’t already


I would like to see the Industrialization map