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I'm very interested in psychological history and I wonder if it exists as a field and if there are any books on it. I wonder if changing parenting styles made sure people were different in the past or why some people in the past had such strong senses of personal honor while compared to people in the present or why our attitudes towards love have evolved so much. If any of you know books on topics like this, I would love to hear it. I really don't want any ideological, like Marxist or Libertarian analysis. 



I mean, trying to imagine a “national psyche” is obviously controversial in this age, particularly when comparing areas of different civilizations. Parenting styles are a different matter. I know there are some anthropological works on the matter, and I’m sure a cursory google search can bring them. To be honest I do think that the idea of cultural phycology should be studied more today, especially considering that we now live in an era that that study won’t be tainted with Nationalist Supremacy, since no one would take it seriously if it was. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us; I would recommend sharing it with your wider audience too.


Ok, thank you, I've been looking around for this sort of thing but there doesn't seem to be a lot written.


That's really interesting...I mean humans are basically born as a blank canvas so parenting styles must have a profound impact on how we see the world since that's kind of the reason parenting exists in the first place. I'd love to read about it too but there probably aren't that many books about this issue that aren't ideology-driven. I really hope you find what you're looking for.