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If someone were to make a parody of a classic Whatifalthist video, what would some lines and plot-points be. I sold my soul to Stoic philosophy a long time ago so be as cutting and brutal as you can.



Drooling over 'property rights', bashing communism, praising the British as being 'good colonial masters' and getting angry over that Latin America (especially Brazil)isn't more influential on the world stage. Then of course the obligatory 'alternate WW1 alliance network', treating 'Social Justice' as a religion, and pointing out various ways South Africa could've become majority white. And of course the obsession over maps and borderline offensive oversimplification of terms(You did once label half of South East Asia as 'head hunters' after all).


I'd like to point that I did research and all the regions that I marked as headhunters actually have traditions of headhunting.


Considering the impactfulness of the questions you consider, and the recently (and unfortunate) complaints about showing the narrator on the video, how about turning both of these around? Specifically, analyze something like "what if my mail carrier was 10 minutes late?" and let us learn more about you and your day-to-day life.