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So, the animation is finished. It will be making it's rounds to the tiers soon. Thank you all for the support and patience to finally get this thing done. 

After several days I still don't truly feel that it's finally completed, so I'm going to be taking a few more days off and see what happens. 

As for the next project; I'm not sure if anyone is aware, but I'm a game developer at the core. All my models, rigs, everything, are built for games. Everything has been rendered in UE4/5. Now I want to move forward with projects that emphasize that. I want to create games. My next project will be something small to get me back into the programming side of things. Animations will still be made here and there to do any 1 off ideas. Stay tuned for that. 

I know I'm going to be asked this a lot. GYYO4, I do not have a plan for it and won't any time soon. I did have a goal set for when I would actually create it, and if I reach it, I'll inform ya'll to see if you do still want it. For the time being, I'm going to put down League of Legends parodies for a bit. I'm sorry if that's what you all signed up for, but I'm going to start doing things that I will have fun with again. Hopefully you will too. 

Hope you are all staying safe and healthy out there. If you have any questions just shoot me a message. If you need to join the Discord server or you have joined and need a role, go ahead and send me a message. Thank you again.



You've got the magic touch dude. Whatever you make, be it games or animations it is bound to be great! Looking forward to see future projects!


That a men


"I know I'm going to be asked this a lot. GYYO4" My brother you have hit us with 3 absolute bangers, heck emm.


GYYO4? I don't remeber being a GYYO3. 🤔🤔🤔


That's cool. My background is in game development/animation as well though I haven't touched Maya in a looking time. Haha


That's what was recently completed. If you're a low tier sub, you will see it here or discord tuesday I think.


Oh. I didn't know :)


Will it be a SFW or NSFW game?

党员先上 有困难



Where can I get a new poppy video?


Can't wait to fuck poppy


GYYO3 Looks really good. I want to mention that the facial animations and specially the eyes have a lot of expressiveness.


well no matter your next endavor i wish you the best for it. i came for the yordle but its nice to get some words direkted aside from fluff. the balance in intrest between normal games and Porn is tricky especialy when you feel your not where you want to be. ill stick around and see where it goes.on that note If you need some help on an aktuall game project i have a friend who recently finiched his studies on programming, hes not as creative as you but he has a real nak for the teknikal side of programing. cant get a job in hi field so instead of getting rusty it might do him some good working on aktual shit XD


Ask Beachside bunnies they make porn games maybe they can help or give advice.