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Once upon a time, in the mystical Scottish Highlands, there lived a spirited 18-year-old girl named Merida. She was a true embodiment of her name, with her fiery red hair and a fierce spirit that matched it. Born into a noble clan, Merida was expected to conform to the traditional roles and responsibilities set for her by her parents and the local traditions. However, Merida had a secret passion that set her apart from the expectations of her family and the world around her – she was deeply in love with swimming in the forest lake near her home.

Merida had discovered the serene forest lake on one of her explorations as a child. It was a hidden gem, deep within the heart of the ancient woods that surrounded her family's castle. The crystal-clear waters of the lake glistened like emeralds in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the thick canopy of trees. The enchanting beauty of the lake drew Merida like a magnet, and she felt an unbreakable connection to it. She had an innate love for the water and a strong desire to be free of the constraints of her royal upbringing, even if just for a little while.

Every chance she got, Merida would sneak away from the castle, trading her elegant dresses for a simple, comfortable swimsuit she had secretly sewn herself. Her bow and arrow, which she had mastered in secret, was her constant companion, providing both protection and a means to catch fish for her survival during her woodland escapades. With her trusty horse, Angus, she would disappear into the forest, riding deeper and deeper until the sounds of civilization vanished, and she was alone with the whispers of the ancient trees.

In the lake, Merida felt like a different person, unburdened by the weight of her royal responsibilities. She would plunge into the cool waters and let the worries of her world wash away. Swimming among the fish, and under the shimmering ripples of the water, she was truly free. The forest lake was her sanctuary, her secret paradise, and it was here that she felt most herself.

Of course, her adventures couldn't remain a secret forever, and the day would come when her family would discover Merida's hidden passion. How they would react and how Merida would navigate the clash between her desires and her duty would be a tale of bravery and determination. Merida, with her fiery spirit, was not one to let tradition hold her back. She was determined to prove that she could be true to herself and still fulfill her responsibilities as a noblewoman. Her journey would be a brave one, filled with lessons, challenges, and the strength of her love for the forest lake, which would inspire her to fight for her freedom and her destiny.




Please more of her


Oh well done. , such a beautiful collection, oh I can’t wait to see more 🥰🥰🥵


Looks a lot like my ex


Ok that was perfect. Need more of this but in the Celtic style clothing and with her bow. Please please please


You never disappoint, I will say I was kinda hoping for pierced nipples with Merida.