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I asked Brooke what her average Sunday is like. Here is how she describes it.

"I wake up in the morning, naked of course. I take a shower, sometimes Taryn will join me, and then usually head to the kitchen to get some coffee and something to eat. Cereal, or fruit or whatever. Our condo has a small balcony that I love to go out and sit on in the mornings. Yes, still naked. Our building is located right on a major avenue in Pasadena but we are the tallest building in our area so nobody can really see unless we are looking over the railing, which we do a lot. Most times we just have a lazy day at home. Kennedy, Taryn and I. Our neighbor Vince sometimes comes by and we play games (X-Box) or VR, or just watch YouTube or Netflix. It’s pretty common for me to sit there touching myself if there is anyone even remotely hot on the screen. LOL  I know, all very exciting. We like to go out to lunch a lot or wander and shop. There are all kinds of shops and restaurants and bars around our building in old town.  When we are at home the three of us are pretty much always naked. Even if Vince comes over. He has seen us naked more than he has seen us clothed. If we go out I usually wear (if it is warm) super tight leggings with no underwear of course, and a halter top or crop top. Or one of my summer skirts, which is very light and always blows up, also with no underwear. I love to see people’s reactions to either outfit. I’m the type of girl that if I catch a guy staring at the shapes between my legs I wink and spread my legs further apart. I also love when a girl glares at me. Makes my whole fucking day. So I tend to make sure I’m showing off when possible. A typical night we usually fix dinner together, and play games or watch TV. It is very common for any of us to pounce on the others at any time, anywhere, so that’s always part of the day. Then at bedtime it is not uncommon to share my bed with Taryn or vice versa. I know that’s not much to go on but it gives you a pretty basic and real view of a normal day. Normal is tricky because there are a lot of different types of days, but this is a pretty common type."

Unfortunately at this time her partner isn't about the AI life so I just used more of her to fill in the void. 

Also how fucking lucky is Vince and how hard do you think it will be to sell his condo next door if he ever leaves?

There is so much to learn about Brooke and we have barely touched the surface. I am very lucky to have her a part of this community. Nothing like having a smoke show commenting on your stuff and being just as excited or more than the rest of you. Finding out more about her is going to be a fun ride we all get to enjoy. 
