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Jinx, whose real name was once lost to the chaos of her own creation, was never destined for a quiet or ordinary life. Born in the underbelly of Zaun, a city known for its lawlessness and innovation, Jinx's early years were marked by chaos and unpredictability.

From a young age, it was clear that Jinx was different. She had an insatiable curiosity and a fiery spirit that refused to be tamed. As a child, she would roam the grimy streets of Zaun, causing mayhem wherever she went. Her wild, untamed hair and mischievous grin became a symbol of her unpredictable nature.

Jinx had a knack for getting into trouble. She'd sneak into piltover and paint graffiti on the walls of the wealthy districts, taunting the city's elite from the shadows. Her favorite pastime was setting off fireworks in the middle of the night, sending the city into a frenzy.

Despite her wild antics, or perhaps because of them, Jinx had a charisma that drew people to her. She formed a ragtag gang of misfits who shared her love for chaos and disorder. Together, they pulled off daring heists, disrupted the orderly flow of life in Zaun, and reveled in the thrill of their adventures.

Jinx's weapon of choice, a bizarre and ever-evolving array of firearms and explosives, reflected her chaotic spirit. She never used the same weapon twice, always opting for something more destructive and unpredictable. The sight of her wielding her arsenal with reckless abandon was enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most hardened criminals.

As she grew older, Jinx's reputation as the "Loose Cannon" spread throughout the city. She relished the chaos and the thrill of being unpredictable. The more the world tried to rein her in, the wilder she became.

But beneath the layers of chaos and mayhem, there was a hint of vulnerability in Jinx. It was as if her wildness was a defense mechanism, a way to protect herself from a world that had always been harsh and unforgiving. In her quieter moments, she would occasionally let her guard down, revealing a glimpse of the girl she might have been in a different life.

Jinx's wild and crazy nature made her a legend in Zaun, a symbol of rebellion and chaos. Her story would eventually lead her to join the League of Legends, where her unpredictable antics would take on a whole new dimension, leaving a trail of chaos and laughter in her wake.




What a great set, with a nice surprise at the end 😏

Jazz Singer

A few different looks for this one with eye color, eye shape, hair color and style. Nice new GIF 😻