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Lost at sea, I found myself on an island paradise with two friends: Kenna and Brooke. The story of how we got there was one of unfortunate circumstance, but the tale of our time on that remote island would become a cherished chapter of our lives.

Our sailboat had been at the mercy of a merciless storm, tossing us around like driftwood. When the tempest finally released us, we were marooned on this untouched gem of an island. With no means of communication and no idea where we were, we had to rely on each other for survival.

Kenna, with her adventurous spirit, brought a sense of wonder to our predicament. She scoured the coastline for edible fruits, learned to fashion crude fishing gear, and even uncovered a hidden cache of coconuts deep within the jungle. Her infectious laughter and unshakable optimism became a beacon of hope.

Brooke, on the other hand, brought her sharp intellect and problem-solving skills to the table. She was the one who helped us craft tools from rocks and shells, making our day-to-day existence more manageable. Brooke also became the keeper of our precious fire, a skill she'd mastered through friction. It provided us warmth and protection against the island's chilly nights.

As days turned into weeks, and then months, we settled into a routine. We laughed together, sharing stories from our lives before the island and marveled at the breathtaking sunsets that painted the sky with vivid hues. The island, once a symbol of isolation, became our shared home.

Time passed, and we grew closer. We no longer lived only for the hope of rescue; instead, we reveled in the simple joys of island life. We became a family, not connected by blood but by the shared experiences of survival and friendship.

Yea I'm just joking. Being stranded with Brooke and Kenna was like a dream come true. I hoped I would never be rescued. I spent most of the day fucking Brooke while Kenna watched. They both took turns making me happy but it was always Brooke who I preferred the most. They even took turns pleasuring each other. How could life get much better?

Part 2 next week?




Too bad we can’t see their little asses in the air offering themselves — maybe next week!


But kidding aside this is amazing and extremely horny — and Ofc you spent your time Fucking Brooke lol


If this was real I'd be so envious! The mere thought of being there makes the blood rush away from my brain. To be the only man with two such beauties sounds like a delicious life!❤️😍

Jazz Singer

Love the story. Brooke is so 🔥🔥


Great combo! Love both of them!🥵🥵