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In the heart of Winterfell, a castle adorned with ancient banners and whispering winds, there lived a girl born under a different star. While her sister Sansa Stark was the jewel of the North, known for her beauty and grace, there was another, less-celebrated Stark sibling—Alysanne, known far and wide as "The Shadow Wolf."

Alysanne was born just a year after her sister Sansa, and from the very beginning, she knew she lived in the shadow of her elder sister. While Sansa's hair was the color of burnished copper, Alysanne's was a deeper, raven-black hue, and her eyes, rather than the bright blue of her kin, were the darkest shade of gray, like the Northern sky before a snowstorm.

Growing up, Alysanne was always the quiet one, content to listen and observe. Her interests differed from Sansa's; she had a fascination with the old stories of House Stark, the tales of the direwolves, and the legends of the North. While Sansa spent hours with needlework and courtly pursuits, Alysanne preferred to sneak into the library, devouring books about history and the ancient magic of the North.

Alysanne's relationship with Sansa was complex. She loved her sister dearly but could never escape the feeling of living in her shadow. Sansa's beauty and social graces drew the attention of lords and ladies from all over, while Alysanne was often overlooked. She struggled to find her place within the bustling halls of Winterfell, her own identity buried beneath Sansa's radiant aura.

As the War of the Five Kings tore through the North, Alysanne's role remained largely in the background. She quietly aided her family by sharing her knowledge of Northern lore and strategies gleaned from the old books. However, her true strength lay in her unwavering loyalty to House Stark, a trait as fierce and unyielding as the direwolves that roamed the forests.

Over the years, Alysanne developed a unique bond with her sister's direwolf, Lady, as if the beast sensed the shadow that hung over her. Lady would often visit Alysanne in her chambers, providing her with solace and companionship during the long, lonely nights.

As the winds of winter approached and the realm faced even greater threats, The Shadow Wolf, Alysanne Stark, knew that her destiny lay beyond the shadows of her sister. She yearned to forge her own path, to become a legend in her own right, and to protect her family and the North from the darkness that loomed on the horizon.

With courage in her heart and the ancient stories of House Stark in her mind, Alysanne set out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to rise from the shadow that had defined her for so long and to become a force to be reckoned with in the ever-changing game of thrones.




This is soooo hot!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’ve been around for about 3 months and this is by far my favorite set 🔥 We need more 🥵🥵🥵