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Here's the outcome of 💜November Survey the Third!!!💜 and guess what took the lead? The winner by a wide margin is the delightful theme of... drumroll, please... – a delightful concoction of pregnancy-themed charm! Your votes steer our creative voyage, and we can't wait to serve up the berrylicious art you've chosen. As always, your love fuels our inspiration! 🫐💜

-Hey, berry buddies! Guess what's cookin'? I'm currently marinating in a berry bonanza. Feeling stuffed, like a blueberry-filled turkey after a feast.

-Stuffed? Did you raid the blueberry stash again?

-Nah, this is a different kind of stuffing... a tiny berry buddy is baking in the oven!

-So, are we expecting a little grape or a baby blueberry?

-Who knows? It's like a mystery flavor. A berry-filled surprise, the quirkiest flavor in town! 🫐




I will make a surprise egg