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In the midst of a typical day, so routine and plain,
Foxlo gathered the team, their attention to gain.
Amidst the chores and the usual humdrum,
She shared her big idea, they'd soon become.

"Juicy+ Team: Rise of the Powerberrys!" she exclaimed,
A retro arcade game where their legend's acclaimed.
Nayfa, Evelyn, and Pimpoboo, wide-eyed and surprised,
Their daily grind momentarily set aside.
"In a world of sweets and thrills we roam..."
Foxlo spoke with excitement, her tone like chrome.
She told Nayfa, Evelyn, and Pimpoboo,
Of an arcade game where they'd be heroes true.
"Juicy+ Team: Rise of the Powerberrys" she said,
Their eyes widened, hearts racing in their chest.
Surprised, they were, by this electrifying news,
A retro beat 'em up, where legends they'd choose.
Shock ran through their veins like a sugary zap,
As they envisioned themselves on this thrilling map,
Super hyped, they stood, with courage in their gaze,
Ready to fight, to conquer, and amaze.
"With Foxlo leading the charge, and hearts aflame,
Nayfa's wisdom, a brilliant guiding dame,
Evelyn's fierce strength, like a tempestuous storm,
And Pimpoboo's cunning, they'd transform."
They imagined the battles, it ignited their spark,
In this epic adventure through the arcade's arc.
The Powerberry's rise, like a vivid dream
Their destiny's call, their spirits would gleam.
