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"Helpless Berry Boy Day" began like any other day when the sisters Evelyn and Nayfa Luxegarde teamed up with Foxlo. Together, they were an unstoppable force when it came to creating havoc and fun, and today was no exception.

With mischievous smiles on their faces, the Sisterberries came up with a plan to add some excitement into their everyday routine. Their target: a unsuspecting young freshman student. Through Foxlo's charm and persuasion, they successfully convinced him to be a part of their unconventional game.

Armed with jugs of a mysterious, special berry juice, the trio encircled the willing rookie. Foxlo pulled out a sizable metal funnel and positioned it in the rookie's mouth while the other two held the jugs.

With the funnel securely in place, they began to pour the juice in a steady, lively stream. The rookie, taken aback by the peculiar scenario, couldn't help but burst into laughter, initially enjoying the game, the camaraderie, and the shared jest. However, as his body began to swell more and more, his laughter turned apprehensive and his expression underwent a shift. What had begun as a light-hearted prank now felt disconcerting and increasingly unmanageable, for as he continued to drink, something even more remarkable commenced: his body started to inflate, as if it were filling up with the very juice he was consuming.

The laughter from the Sisterberries and Foxlo persisted, yet the rookie's demeanor grew more agitated and even somewhat fearful, as he grappled with the magnitude of the situation. He attempted to drop the funnel, but laughter and the festive atmosphere encouraged him to continue, although his look reflected concern. Evelyn passed more and more jugs of juice, Nayfa diligently documented each moment with her cutting-edge mobile device. Every laugh, every toast, every joke and every drink were immortalized.

But the fun wasn't limited to the confines of their room. Nayfa, was broadcasting the recording on social media, sharing the recording to her online friends, including the university football team! The reactions streamed in, filling the virtual space with comments and a cascade of laughing emojis.

As the rookie continued drinking and his ballooning figure took center stage, it became unmistakably clear that this day of merry-making would etch itself into his memory as an unforgettable experience. The Luxegarde sisters and their friend Foxlo had indeed accomplished their objective: infusing an element of joy and excitement (and delightful berry chaos!) into the ordinary lives of everyone involved!



Thomas W

What a lucky man Zack is🤣. I wish that was me.