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How are my dearest berries?🫐🫐🫐🫐

July is being a difficult month. I'm still battling with Meta to get my instagram account back, but I'm not getting it. Bots are not makin´ it easy for me and each passing day it is more likely that they will close it permanently. 🥲

My plan B is to open a new account and start over, but nothing can stop me! You already know that when things get complicated, this juicy berry invents new rooms.

I am contacting more people and we are assembling a creative team. And a friend who also wants to participate... You´ll meet her soon! 😜

We are going to take advantage of this setback to restructure and evolve the entire Patreon channel. You'll see!

Oh! Also, many of you asked me shortly before the closure of Instagram about my other social networks (tiktok, deviantart, reddit, etc...) I did delete those. They were where there was less activity and I didn't have enough time to take care of all of them!

If you really want them to come back I will listen to you. At the berry moment I am creating a new Instagram channel! I'll announce it here right when ready, along with some other surprises. 💜💜💜💜


PS: meanwhile you can follow me on twitter!! twitter.com/Foxloxoxo 



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