A New Companion? (Patreon)
Despite the danger-fraught world she lived in, the biggest thing Six felt at any moment was boredom and loneliness. Every living thing she encountered seemed determined to slaughter her, so when a tiny, harmless seeming boy slowly approached her feet one night she was as ecstatic as she was confused. She'd never encountered anyone even smaller than her before, and the more she pondered his size the more she realized how useless he would make as a companion, she'd basically be looking after him the entire time. That being said, she hated the thought of throwing away her first chance at some company. Maybe she could keep him as a pet? He kept glancing at her bare feet after all, maybe she should keep him around as a plaything for them? Six was liking the sound of that, she even started wondering if the tiny boy could manage to lick them clean for her. She hadn't asked him his opinion of any of this yet, but did it honestly matter? In this terror-filled world a bug like him needed any shot of protection he could get, he'd have to be stupid not to come with her no matter the terms...