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Wrecked.. by absolutely everyone 💀 The video we watched of the first performance was a little choppy so we decided to watch a FanCam of the performance too. It was a good decision 💀



I don't know if i should hate or thank the stylist;those outfits are the death of me


i actually liked the shirts. i always love how creativ idols stage outfits are. never boring. at the beginning i thought something is wrong with my laptob, cause the performance video hanged/was choppy, lol. are you gonna react to the finding skz episode then next week?


The fancam was much better, we can see the dance, their clothes, arms, muscles...just everything. And I believe Hyunjin broke those expensive glasses😆


Bri only hated it because they were attractive in them 😂! I really liked them too. I especially loved that blue color it was so pretty! We will try our best to get SKZ code out next week. It's at the top of our list right behind Lee Know's birthday video ❤️

Sydney's Missing a skull

I was avoiding this and now I know why. Changbin and Chan's swag, Hans shirt, Seungmin looking dapper, Felix's chest, Innie's face and Hyunjins everything. I'm not going to be okay.


The video was clearer too!! I'm glad we watched both haha. Those glasses looked like they broke into two pieces 💀

Tristana Keauna

These are prob some of my favorite outfits they've had so far. Lee Know was srsly vibing that day haha

Rock'n RebelsOMG

Bias wrecked all the way, MY BIASES CHAN AND HYUNJIN AGGHHH👀 but like SEUNGMINS STARES WERE GETTING TO ME🫣 all the biceps, stares and tongues out, THE SMIZES…they slayed for hard, THE FITS LIKE AGHHHHHH💕


BREATHE! You have to survive to at least see the comeback. It's going to be too good to miss 💀We're hanging on for that alone.

Linda Johansson

Han wearing the top of the shirt and Lee Know wearing the bottom half. Just saying. 😆


So *that's* what Lee Know meant.... I always assume Felix isn't really whistling because its always perfect no batter how bad the microphones get. :)


I thought the shirts looked like they should be uncomfortable but love that they apparently will put on anything the stylist throws at them and wear it like it's their favorite outfit. Bedazzled, tight, loose, chopped, cute, preppy or dangerous. (I know its technically a sports facility but why does it echo like my high school gym?) I didn't even notice the gloves were blue....same reason. :)

Samantha Whaley

Being distracted by Han is me 💯