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Here we go!! We can already tell from the first episode that this is going to be an emotional journey.



Oh nooooo omg guys I hope you’re ready 😥😭😭😭 we’re here with you…even though I hate this show so much I will watch again just to suffer with you. Lol I obv don’t hate the boys but the burning hatred for JYP is still aflame to this day.

Molly Farmer

omg so excited and scared to rewatch this with you, hope you've prepared yourselves


Good luck, and God speed. Have tissues at hand ALWAYS

Raissa Mendonca

Excited to rewatch this with you guys!


4 of the Girls Team 2 (Yuna,Ryujin,Yeji and Chaeryeong) are now in Itzy with another member and they debuted in 2019.One of the girls is in Kep1er and i'm not sure about the other 2. Twice was formed through a survival show as well,with Jihyo as the leader (she trained for 10 years since she was 8). Also the solo Lily is in NMIXX now and she's Australian as well


oh no! ready but also totally not ready to rewatch this with you guys. im getting the tissues as i am typing

Raissa Mendonca

Btw I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this before, but Hyunjin and Han didn't like eachother at that time, you can see this in some scenes on the show hahah I find it quite interesting thinking how they are today


Here I go willingly putting myself through this survival show YET again but I just cant not check out your reaction so lets go lol. It does get a little frustrating throughout but it's worth the watch and it feels good by the end

your name here

Fun Fact: Lily (soloist on the episode who is now in NMIXX) is on a 3RACHA pre-debut track. She does backing vocals for the original 3RACHA version of Placebo.

Nen McKenzie

have tissues ALWAYS it’ll always be something haha sending good luck for spoiler avoiding! they don’t go into any extra depth on the formation of the group but chan says why he chose each member in this interview with jyp: https://youtu.be/_Zv_K-v8uTI (not sure if you’ve seen it but don’t watch until after the show, they allude to some of it so spoilers haha) and get ready to see the most coca-cola you’ve ever seen in your life 😅


The majority of the girl group team became ITZY (including the ones they pointed out like Chaeryoung, Yeji, Yuna + Ryujin). One of my ult groups :) They're frequently called SKZ' sibling group cuz they're around the same age and debuted only a yr after stray kids. Tbh Bri you've probably seen Chaeryoung on something on YT maybe Lee Youngji's show or something. Also don't worry I doubt there are any JYP biases here LOL. He infuriates me to no end I'm just here for SKZ they deserve the world

Krissie 83

Just remember this is Mnet and they like to edit to make things look worse "more exciting" "tension filled" than they are they've made JYP look like a bastard even made Bang chan look like he was bullying


Actually, when they have life as a "trainee" they usually do showcases often, so sometimes they group them together and choose among themselves to prepare something, so i guess that's how chan know and chose them. Here is a video where Chan tells why he chose each one (It is the crop of a complete interview but only in this part does he talk about this, also this part of the interview does not contain spoilers in case you want to see it now) https://youtu.be/9g4rFkCTePc Han was the first one he chose, that's why it's his first skz, he's also the second one who had the longest time as a trainee after chan for about 3 years. While Minho was the last to join and had less than a year as a trainee


nah they don’t make him look like a bastard… he just is 😭 sorry not sorry

Krissie 83

I watched another YouTuber a while ago reacting to this and she said "oh I know what's gonna happen they're all gonna debut so it's not going to bother me" she's not a crier she just gets angry and she refused to watch it for a couple of days LOL

Candice Blair

The little boy team is a Chinese boy group in JYPE called Boy Story. Yeji, Yuna, Ryujin and Chaeryeong are all in ITZY and Chaeryeong is probably most notable because she was on K-pop star and Sixteen.


The reveals are painful as they always are with Mnet (you remember Kingdom.. everything took forever and a day to reveal lol). They definitely made JYP look like an ahole this whole show imo. From what I've seen of the boys with JYP afterwards, they truly have a lot of respect for him. I really think it was the producers who wanted more drama that told him - we want you to do it this way. And the editing cuts out a lot. Like, in the moment they will have JYP say something. And it feels like, what?? But then like 3 episodes later they may show another clip from that where he was complimenting and they just didn't show it at the time. I think he gave out a lot of compliments and criticisms, but the show mostly focused on the criticisms. So yeah. Take it all with a grain of salt - they don't show everything and it's all for the drama. lol


Omg I'm so hyped to be watching this show with you guys. it's such an emotional rollercoaster but I appreciate it so much for being such a great way to experience the boys from the very beginning if that makes sense. like seeing their dynamics with each other and how they truly weren't just born talented and all struggled soooo hard to get to where they are now yk?


Thank you for the info. You're always a well of information haha ❤️. We're glad to hear most of girls went on to debut as well.


Thanks for the luck 😂!! Oh thank you! We are very curious bout that. I'll make sure to bookmark it for us to watch later.


We're glad to hear that most of the girl group has been able to debut. That must have been so hard for them being so close to being chosen! SKZ sibling group omg that's so cute 😭

Candice Blair

Can’t believe I forgot to type her and thought I did cause it was definitely in my head while I was typing. On my phone.


If you didn't hate JYP before then get ready to. He really is a smiling assassin! To be honest, this show can be really hard to watch at times. The whole process isn't just stressful, it's downright traumatising for the members 😞


There's an interview during the All In era with JYP where Chan explains his reasoning behind picking each member. It's a really interesting and informative watch if you have the time. https://youtu.be/_Zv_K-v8uTI?si=oHxoxadIswuYW_0k it's about 30 minutes I believe


You're welcome 💜 Yes it's nice to see most of them debuted. Itzy are really charismatic too

Angela Fillius

I loved what you said about chan thinking of this like his last chance. it's why i think he feels so much like their dad sometimes, it's not even that he's really much older than any of them or just because he is the leader, it's just that they really are his kids. he is so so protective of them and loves them so much because I feel like even though he chose them, they chose him back and that bond is why he was able to finally debut. he says in a zach sang interview in 2020 that they all came and "they basically saved him" when he was depressed and in a dark state of mind.

Angela Fillius

i agree, i dont think it's bad to give feedback that is going to help them improve but i hate that some of the things felt like they were said and done just for the variety show shock value and disregarded the fact that these were 16-19 year old boys already in an anxious headspace.


I've never been brave enough to watch this show, so I'll just jump along the ride with you guys hahaha

Kiki Meowzilla

Just an fyi about their living situation the only ones living in the dorms were Chan and Felix because they were from Australia, I.N because his family is from Busan, and Han because he moved to Korea from Malaysia to pursue music. Seungmin, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Woojin are/lived in Seoul so they lived with their families as trainees. Minho lived on his own since he left home at about 16-17 I think to keep pursuing his dancing and performing arts high school and not be such a burden for his parents. When they debuted they all got to one dorm together. I also recommend the video everyone else suggested where Chan talks about how he formed the team but I recommend it because in that interview there is one of the most iconic Minho/JYP interactions ever. Last, I cant wait to watch this torturous show all over with your guys. Definitely bring the tissues to EVERY episode. Thanks as always!

Tristana Keauna

It's always so brutal to watch the pressure the Kids are put under, but also really says a lot about JYP (and staff) and their faith in Chan. I think you nailed it when you said, Chan was made for this team. I couldn't imagine SKZ without their leader. Also, Lee Know and his bundles will never stop being one of the most adorable things on the planet haha.


I can't believe I'm about to do this to myself again, oh well


There is actually an interview with skz and jyp himself on how chan chose the members and formed the group. I would love for you to check it out!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Zv_K-v8uTI&ab_channel=STRAYKSUBS

Thala Scheffer

Someone mentioned Han and Hyunjin hating eachother in the comments in this timeperiod. Which made me think of their 2 kids room episode where they talked about it. Have you seen the 2 kids room series? That could also be a fun patreon or youtube reaction series :)

Thala Scheffer

And btw, I haven't watched the whole survival show and I'm scared to watch til the end (even tho I know it all ends up good). But I'll watch it all with you :)


Yes!! So excited you guys are watching the survival show!! I know a lot of people don’t like to watch it (it is very sad to see how scared and nervous they are to stay together so they can debut and you do wanna fight JYP personally by the end of it) BUT i feel like it’s such a great way to see how their dynamics have changed and grown between the members and to see the growth in their performances from then to now. It was the first thing i watched after i saw my first guide (where i only wanted to learn the names 🤦🏽‍♀️) and i don’t regret it! I can’t wait to rewatch it with you guys 💕


Omgeee, joined for SKZ contents, I've been watching your YouTube reaction and I love both of u and ur reaction. I'm ready to suffer again for this show. Still devastated with this but I'll do it with you again 😂

Sydney Rigaud

I’ve always seen clips from this show but haven’t had the heart to watch it yet….I’m now starting to watch it and I’m already stressed 😅 but will keep watching