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Still not sure how they accurately guess some of these 😭



I normally don't draw that well so i can't imagine doing it like that 😂 i agree,you should do a video where you try different games like those seen on shows


Honestly that sounds like a lot of fun. We would definitely need to set up in a bigger room for something like that.. but maybe we should...


Please when y’all get the chance react to Finding SKZ 😭

Tristana Keauna

"I wouldn't know if I could do it, unless I tried" --YES!!! Let your fans send in 'words' and then have a competition between the two of you haha, would be so fun!! Also, this same production released a 'behind the scenes/uncut' of their time there and it's def worth the watch haha


Funny bc the "V" with the 2 dots that Han drew is how Changbin signs his signature. So it really was obvious that it was him lol


Hey! I know you guys probably get lots of suggestions all the time, I just wanted to say that Skz Song Camp/Howl in Harmony episodes are really funny as well as their previous episodes on Idol Human Theatre! If you guys ever get the chance to check those out, I think you’d really love them.


I‘m in my pcd right now from Lollapalooza, so I guess now is the time to watch your latest reaction


That sounds fun 😂 I wonder how much of a mess that would be. Though we are both curious to see how well we could play haha.


We hope to get to all of those if possible! The Song Camp has been on our list since we reacted to the unit songs. Hopefully we can get to it soon!


PCD is no fun 😔. We hope you had an amazing time though. From the clips/pictures we've seen on twitter it looked like an amazing show.


I can proudly say for myself, I only cried during the fireworks


It maybe too late but they also release the behind the scene for this episode and it's hilarious

Kairi Oryx

It makes sense now why Changbin’s signature is a triangle chin with eyes 🤣