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Who do we need to talk to in order to get one of those special pieces of merch? 


hyosin magazine

han's high note is amazing★★★★★


Yes,the No solo are so fun and chaotic as always 💜

Aryanna Jay

the funniest part about felix getting that pillow is that he still has it to this day and you can sometimes see it in behind the scenes of stuff.

Walcott Koenig

I love how he unironically loves it. He was the perfect person to get that gift 😂 😂.


Aaaaah, this was fun! Actually, I don't have a tissuewarning for next week, but if you think you need it, get them HAHAHA. Lovely to rewatch this with you two, thanks for sharing <3

Tristana Keauna

I want one of those pillows so bad, but with all the members haha


I totally want the Dwaekki pillow too lol. I've checked Etsy often hoping someone who has skills has made it and distributes it, but no luck so far lol

Tristana Keauna

I didn't even think of Etsy!! I need an entire sofa set of 'surprise it's Lee Know' sequinned pillows, like yesterday haha


@Tristana Keauna There is a seller on Etsy that does the sequin pillow with two different pictures (or could probably have just one done and the other be blank like in the video heh). in case you are interested, here's a link I found for it. $26. Not too bad. Would have to provide your own picture of the member you'd like tho - honestly not AS cool as the Lee Know face they have on here. lol https://www.etsy.com/listing/695545769/custom-two-photos-pillow-custom-sequin?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=changbin+face+pillow&ref=sc_gallery-1-3&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=a4f600ed4cc7eae72d08fd738a27ddaee9fefb84%3A695545769


I'm also thinking of trying this seller who does shape pillows. Can send them whatever picture you want. They focus more on Pets... but I'd bet they could do a person >.> https://www.etsy.com/listing/1414230512/custom-pet-pillow-personalized-3d-throw?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=changbin+face+pillow&ref=sc_gallery-1-5&pro=1&frs=1&sts=1&plkey=8b30f474023cdf4e149637182efa9b0562746337%3A1414230512 Adding that I have found like body pillow makers on Etsy, where you can submit whatever photo you want for the front and back of it. But they aren't round pillows like in the video and I really would like it round lol.

Krissie 83 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 06:10:47 Felix still sleeps with the Changbin pillow It's sweet, he misses sleeping with the real Changbin :)
2023-06-13 06:10:47 Felix still sleeps with the Changbin pillow It's sweet, he misses sleeping with the real Changbin :)
2023-06-13 06:10:47 Felix still sleeps with the Changbin pillow It's sweet, he misses sleeping with the real Changbin :)
2023-06-12 00:36:19 Felix still sleeps with the Changbin pillow It's sweet, he misses sleeping with the real Changbin :)

Felix still sleeps with the Changbin pillow It's sweet, he misses sleeping with the real Changbin :)