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We're still speechless after watching this episode. It really made us sit down and think about our lives in a way we hadn't before. What a beautifully introspective topic to explore. I feel like we were given a renewed appreciation for Wooyoung and a better understanding of the person that he continues to strive to be.



Just got into my officr but still imma watch this.i still have an hour before my shift starts. I hope i dont cry again 🥲

Maz Colyer

This is so hard to watch I have watched it 3 times now and gets no easier 💔 I see so much of myself in wooyoung I even stopped going out making friends as always got hurt for being to kind etc 😢 thank you so much for reacting to this 🥰 Your emotions are so real. Wooyoung did an amazing job of this documentary and the dance video ❤


Bias aside, I think this episode along with the topics explored, really humanised Wooyoung and we got to see this deeper level of him as a person and his relationships etc. It felt personal and very raw. Considering that idols are, more often than not, put on pedestals, so this was extremely refreshing to watch.


This is one of our favorite things about this documentary. People sometimes miss the beautiful heart and soul that he has, and we both felt that this docu highlighted those beautifully. It really taught us the depth of him as a person.


The world will never stop trying to take advantage of kindness, but the only way you let them win is by stopping your kindness or pulling away. You're such a beautiful human; don't let anyone take that from you!

Maz Colyer

Thank you so much that means alot and all is very true and makes complete sense. I won't let anyone take it from me I will keep being me 🩶❤

heavenlyded (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 04:32:01 i love him and how he shows his love for others. he's really one of kind souls to protect all the cost. :( and guys it would be cool if you will react to their live stages. hala hala is the must in the first place! and san's fancams, because then you will how amazingly is he. individual fancams and videos about them will be more great to see their side as individuals <3
2023-01-14 01:26:13 i love him and how he shows his love for others. he's really one of kind souls to protect all the cost. :( and guys it would be cool if you will react to their live stages. hala hala is the must in the first place! and san's fancams, because then you will how amazingly is he. individual fancams and videos about them will be more great to see their side as individuals <3

i love him and how he shows his love for others. he's really one of kind souls to protect all the cost. :( and guys it would be cool if you will react to their live stages. hala hala is the must in the first place! and san's fancams, because then you will how amazingly is he. individual fancams and videos about them will be more great to see their side as individuals <3