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  • asuna.mp4



Hi everyone, october is already here, should i do something hallowen related? if you have any ideas let me know.

as for today i left with you asuna, and tomorrow there will me more komi-san. Thank you all for suporting me <3

皆さん、こんにちは。もう 10 月が来ました。ハロウィーンに関連した何かをするべきですか?何かアイデアがあれば教えてください。

今日はアスナと一緒に帰りましたが、明日はコミさんがもっと来ます。サポートしてくれた皆さん、ありがとう <3



Diego Brando

That would be amazing! Maybe a witch Mamako or a scene where it’s halloween night and masato goes trick or treating and when he knocks on the door Mamako opens getting fucked behind the door, then gives him some candy which makes him fall asleep so Mamako can do even more naughty stuff!


I'd love to see a Halloween themed gangbang