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I had wanted to make a render of this type with Eve for quite some time, in fact a curious fact is that when I tried to make an animation for the first time (it didn't turn out well) the pose was something similar to this, unfortunately the only thing it gave me was pain in the neck. head, the doubt if I'm really good at this and even more hatred against Blender, however the idea was still there (* ^ ω ^)




Would it be possible to have a female version of this? Possibly as a sequel to "Eve's little kitten"? 🥺


That is something I have planned since seeing the results of the survey there are more people who like lesbian content than I thought, however in the same way due to the results I will give priority to straight content but I will not forget about lesbian content and sometimes include lesbian versions in the alternative versions of the render (* ̄▽ ̄)b