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As you already know, I prefer to keep my life as private as possible because I know that you are not here for me to tell you about it, however there are situations that I have to comment on since they affect all of this and I would not like to just disappear for a few days without explanation.

If you have been here since December or before (Thank you for that) you will know that in December I had to be away due to my grandmother's health problems, when I had to return everything seemed to be going for the better but in January she had a relapse and I went again for a couple of days, I didn't mention this since it gave me enough time to make renders for you and post them during my absence, this month of February unfortunately her situation worsened, everything was really done that was humanly possible but we can't fight against life, the universe or God (whatever you prefer to believe in), so my grandmother is already in a better place and because everything was so sudden this time I didn't have time to make renders to post, I could only finish the alternative versions of Elastigirl and I fixed a model that I will also show to you later (They are already scheduled to be uploaded in the next few days), so due to everything that represents a loss of a close family member I will be away for a few days, I hope to return before the end of the month to be able to make the renders for This month's miniset, I thank you in advance for your patience, understanding and support, see you soon

Stay Safe




Chill bud. I care

Mama Aki

Sorry for your loss. If you need time off to let it all set in, that's completely understandable. No need to worry. Focus on yourself for a bit if possible <3