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EDIT: I slightly modified the angle, added the belt of the jacket and made a slight color adjustment

First of all I want to offer an apology to everyone since I mentioned that the sets would be ready for February 2nd, however my 14 year old dog is a little sick these days and yesterday I had to take him to the vet, so I was out all day so Today I am going to make the final touches to the sets to have them ready tonight or the early morning of February 4, again, a huge apology for the delay. _(-ω-`_)

Regarding this render of Cammy, I did it in a hurry (because of that I may make slight tweaks later when I'm more awake), so I reused the background of the previous render that I did with her... maybe I'll turn it into "the background of the Street girls" (;・∀・)



Phantom Reaver 225

When it comes to beloved family pets, no need to apologize and the renders will get here when they get here. No rush. That is completely understandable. Family, pets, and even your own health ALWAYS come first. I hope your dog feels better. Sending good wishes your dog's way.


Thanks, fortunately it was an infection and with some medicine he will be better in a couple of days. ( ̄ω ̄)


All good, you do good work and work hard, a small delay is nothing. I hope your pet feels better soon.