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I prefer to keep my personal life as private as possible, also partly because you are here for the renders not to know if I did well in school or not xD. Recently I had to go visit my grandmother since she is a little sick so since it is a long trip I can't take the PC with me, so what I did was spend 3 full days sleeping only a couple of hours to have the renders ready for the rest of December, once they were finished I uploaded them to Google Drive to download them to my phone and use the Patreon application to post them, however I have seen that there have been some problems with the resolution, perhaps it is due to the quality of the internet that It's pretty bad here (it's only a 10 MB internet, I can barely play League at 140 MS) so I already updated the posts to upload them with my laptop... but my laptop is also quite basic, AMD 4 with 4GB of RAM (Fun fact, I didn't know how much a GPU was necessary for renders and trying to render something on this laptop... it almost died).

Then I will try to post the renders on the laptop to see if that affects the quality. Regarding the Mega file, I am looking at how to access it since there is a small problem. As an emergency solution, it occurred to me to put Google Drive links in the post so that you can download the renders in 4K, anyway, as soon as I can I will update the Mega folder, if the low resolution error in the posts continues then when I return home I will update the post with the renders that are on my PC and I will remove the ones I download from Google Drive.

Also, as you will understand, this affects the rewards at the end of the month. I tried to do the sets in those 3 days that I had before traveling but I couldn't do it, so I was only able to complete 1 image of 1 set so what I plan to do is share that link with you and as soon as I return home I will make the renders that I am missing and update the link.

With all that said, I can only apologize for all this, but it was a situation that I did not expect to have and the last thing I would like would be to fail you, so I repeat, as soon as possible I will make the necessary changes so that everything be correct.

Oh Btw, MERRY CHRISTMAS (* ^ ω ^)b



happy holidays i know you'll have some good stuff soon
