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First of all I want to say that on my cell phone I reviewed the renders of Pharah's set and some images had a lot of contrast and saturation so I already corrected that and it seems to me that they already look a little better

This was the original idea I had to make Pharah's set but in the end there were 3 things that stopped me, the first was that I was not completely convinced by that "futuristic Egypt" since my idea was different but I couldn't do it the way I liked , the second was the clothes that had a small problem and the third was that Menat's set would also be about Egypt so in the end I changed it for something different, Pharah always has gym or Egypt renders so why not do something more "softer" "and then I did the set of her in lingerie that you all already have. <( ̄︶ ̄)>




I need a nude version of her