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As is customary, I obviously made some slight adjustments that caused a delay in the publication of this work, this is version number 4 that I rendered, I have not slept at all, I have only eaten coffee with bread, I have negative thoughts and I am ready to face to God.... OR BECOME HIM... Faints in Nixmare (-ω-`)




i really appreciate your work nix but maybe you should get some rest :D


Keep up Nix, i always enjoy the extra lore

Phantom Reaver 225 (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-07 15:29:08 The end of that description LMAO!!! XD I swear, you always crack me up Nixmare LOL! These renders came out looking fantastic by the way! Excellent work! Get some rest Nix. You deserve it. Especially after the hard work you have done. I greatly appreciate everything that you do. :)
2024-05-07 10:28:59 The end of that description LMAO!!! XD I swear you always crack me up Nixmare LOL! These renders came out looking fantastic by the way! Excellent work! Get some rest Nix. You deserve it. Especially after the hard work you have done. I greatly appreciate everything that you do. :)

The end of that description LMAO!!! XD I swear you always crack me up Nixmare LOL! These renders came out looking fantastic by the way! Excellent work! Get some rest Nix. You deserve it. Especially after the hard work you have done. I greatly appreciate everything that you do. :)