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Does it ever happen to you that you think you are in some kind of sitcom or something similar, in this whole day and part of the night literally, the power went out twice, a leak opened in the ceiling above the PC so I had to move my ENTIRE setup, when I changed it I realized that the power cable is not enough so I had to buy an extension... it didn't work so I had to buy another one, when I was reviewing the renders of the second set I realized that 4 images had errors that I didn't notice so I had to correct them, this render of Loba I had to do it again since one of the 2 times the power went out was when I was doing this render and I didn't do it I saved before that happened so I started from scratch.... I love rain but sometimes the negative things are too many (-ω-`)



Phantom Reaver 225

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Life being a pain at times with things happening one after the other. Especially if it's things happening out of your control. I don't know if you know this already but there is a device out there called a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) which is a battery-powered device that you plug into your outlet and continues to power on your electronic equipment such as your PC, consoles, and other things whenever the power goes out. So when the power does go out for example, your PC that is powered by the UPS will still remain on with power and not only will it protect it from surges, you can also take that brief amount of time to save your work before safely shutting the PC down. UPS devices last a couple of years but they are great investments. On the upside and positive note of things, this render came out looking great! The lighting and quality looks stellar!


Heh we had some crazy rain here too. My house didn't leak but lost power a few times, my UPS battery was fully drained. The positive though is I'm sure that second miniset is going to be fire.


Thanks, I already knew about those devices, however I haven't been able to find a good one... plus where I live most of them cost 300 dollars ( ' ﹋ ' ; )


I hope so, I made it while I had a creative block so let's see what comes out (;・∀・)