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Very well, the idea I had was this, that's why I needed to fix... or rather recreate the model of Wonder Woman, because I didn't want to make a simple render of Powergirl's ass from an angle from below plus I want continue experimenting with sexual scenes, I decided to make a render that mixes both things, a good Power cake and a lesbian or heterosexual scene (it depends on how and who sees this), I hope you like it (* ̄▽ ̄)b

Btw, the alternative versions of the first render will be ready in a few more hours



Mama Aki

Mooore lesbian stuff for us bi ladies out there! A blessed day! <3


Of course I haven't forgotten about you, it's just that based on the results of the survey from a few weeks ago I'm prioritizing F/M scene ideas, but from time to time there will be F/F scenes or renders like this where it can be used for both cases (* ^ ω ^)