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Hi guys,

Sorry that it took so long to make this (again) 😩

But now we actually have our first voiceover for a character!

As you might have known Haruka was the first girl that I ever made and since it's almost 6 months that we're all following the Waifuverse journey I wanted to make something special for you guys. Thus, there you have it!

The voiceover is performed by Mimi Hung, and you just cannot imagine how amazing she is. Check out her socials, it is absolutely worth your time! Don't forget to tell her you liked her work on Haruka, I'm sure it'll make her excited 🤩

I hope you will enjoy since we both worked hard to make this thing. Let me know if you want more voiceovers in the future!

I will also attach the script once I find it somewhere on my pc later today...

Love you guys!




Definitely more but… you need to make it a video that goes with the comic

Waifu Fan One

for sure! it's just that it takes way more time to make an actual animation . I'm thinking of the possible ways to make it. Thank you! 💛