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Poll Time: Choose your girl of the month!

  • Mikasa - The Priestess of Fertility 102
  • Haruka - The C.L.V.G. Inc. CEO 5
  • Sakura - The Hacked Romantic 28
  • Maria Der Titten - The Vampire That Sucks 17
  • Elda - The Wizard of Boobz 9
  • Kasumi - The Submissive Silicone Doll 21
  • Anessa Vendredi - The True Genie 18
  • Alisa Pearl - A Horrifying DNA Scientist 3
  • Maria Pearl - The Prime Sister 8
  • 2023-12-04
  • —2023-12-06
  • 211 votes
{'title': 'Poll Time: Choose your girl of the month!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Mikasa - The Priestess of Fertility', 'votes': 102}, {'text': 'Haruka - The C.L.V.G. Inc. CEO ', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Sakura - The Hacked Romantic ', 'votes': 28}, {'text': 'Maria Der Titten - The Vampire That Sucks', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'Elda - The Wizard of Boobz', 'votes': 9}, {'text': 'Kasumi - The Submissive Silicone Doll ', 'votes': 21}, {'text': 'Anessa Vendredi - The True Genie', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'Alisa Pearl - A Horrifying DNA Scientist ', 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'Maria Pearl - The Prime Sister ', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 6, 18, 52, 23, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 4, 23, 21, 5, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 211}


Hi Guys!

Since Akemi has been a winner for two polls straight, I've decided to add a rule, which may dissatisfy some people, but provide more opportunity for everyone to see their favourite character: last months' winner does not take part next time. But don't you worry: She'll be back next month, right after we decide this months special side story! 🙂

Luckily, this month we're welcoming three new participants in our gradually growing soft and squishy universe. Anessa, Maria Der Titten and Elda are participating for the first time, please support them with your attention!

Anyways - Voting time!

Choose the girl whose story was the most to your liking, and the winner gets her exclusive side story!

Let me introduce our competitors:

1. Mikasa - The Priestess of Fertility
Age: 28 | Height: 5'8 | Origin: Knock-Knock Her Up!
Far descendant of the ancient Japanese clan, Mikasa shares her ancestors' ability to overovulate or, in simpler words, get pregnant and deliver children multiple times in a row. She almost never stops ovulating and her pregnancy risk without birth control tools is almost 100% each and every time. 🤰

2. Haruka - The C.L.V.G. Inc. CEO
Age: 24 | Height: 5'6" | Origin: BEautiful Improvement Plan
Since she was set up to their company Performance Improvement Plan, she managed to skyrocket up the corporate ladder and gain a kink for financial domination. She knows her own worth, and without a doubt - she is quite an expensive one 😉

3. Sakura - The Hacked Romantic
Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" | Origin: The Blossom of a Cherry
That particular girl is outstanding in everything she takes on, regardless of whether it's praise or criticism to her account. Clever, intuitive, graceful, but wrapped around her own excuses. It is only for you to decide whether or not you would like to make her happy, as this directly affects her breast size! 🤔

4. Maria Der Titten - The Vampire That Sucks
Age: 77 | Height: 7'0" | Origin: Welcome to Expansion Mansion
Living in the Der Titten Mansion, this lady never steps out from the house, preferring to await her pray like a spider. But once you're entrapped in her big and welcoming hug - it is so hard to get out! 🦇

5. Elda - The Wizard of Boobz
Age: 376 | Height: 5'6" | Origin: Ze Legend of Elda: Blink's Hard-On
The ancestor of two warring elven clans, Elda is a passionate wizard, living her greatest dream: seducing the most pretty guy in the whole settlement. She will do everything to achieve her dream: espionage, charming, even intentionally entrapping her loved one. Wicked soul, no less! ✨

6. Kasumi - The Submissive Silicone Doll    
Age: 26 | Height: 5'7" | Origin: B.A.B.Y. - Build a B!tch Yourself
While affiliated with a matchmaking agency, Kasumi was dedicated to seeking her opportunity for happiness, and she was committed to doing whatever was necessary. little did she now that the love of her life would dream of expanding her talents that much, perceiving her purely as "booby material".

7. Anessa Vendredi - The True Genie
Age: 2946 | Height: 5'3" |  Origin: Cum Up With a Wish
Being trapped in an Awazon delivery box for almost 20 years, Anessa was finally released by some stranger Japanese immigrant couple. Despite her whimsical nature, she always looks on the bright side of things, trying to achieve everyone's happiness by pushing the boundaries of her growing...magical abilities 👀

8. Alisa Pearl - A Horrifying DNA Scientist
Age: 19 | Height: 5'6" | Origin: Twisted BEauty
The most horrible story of all! Alisa is a dedicated enthusiast and will make everything to achieve her goals, even if that means violating the law. Also, She is the creator of the Breast Expansion serum, that helped her elder sister return her beauty to the way it was. She doesn't bite, unless you refuse to cooperate 🫣

9. Maria Pearl - The Prime Sister
Age: 25 | Height: 5'8" | Origin: Twisted BEauty
Dominant, Beautiful, exuding sexuality with each motion, Maria runs her DNA research laboratory and wishes to change the beauty industry. Loves her sister but only enough to constantly receive a bit more than she gives away. The real Black Pearl in its purity! 🐚

Choose your favourite one down below! 👇

Cheers ✨


Waifu Fan One

you guys really love these two huh 🙂


Look, personally I do not mind Anessa, Haruka or Maria...but I want to see Mikasa breed armies. That's just my kink.