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Hi guys,

I guess I must explain why there was such inconsistency with so-promised Breast Expansion Fest.

The thing is, I don't want to make any extra excuses, and I truly wanted to deliver a new story every single day, but it turns out that I've already been spending time every week aside of my regular job on making these stories, which has poorly affected my health state.

It's nothing extraordinary, just a strong feel of exhaustion from working 80-100hrs/week.

While we really managed to make something unique and I truly respect you all for trusting in my works, I will have to say that the stories I promised will have to be delivered with the schedule I made at the beginning: one complete story per week. I tried pushing myself for more, but at my current state - I basically can't.

It's not that I don't want to deliver more, it's just that I understand that at my current state I'm not in the position on spending more time on making these stories. I will definitely increase the delivery pace and quality, but I think I should be more gradual on my trajectory, so that everyone feels long-term satisfied.

Aside of comics, there are also other projects I'm currently considering and since they take time to work on as well, it would be quite complicated for me to work on both, at least for while I'm combining it with my daily job.

I truly appreciate your commitment and I will deliver the rest of the stories as it was scheduled, however I feel like I have to get some rest so that I have time for switching and make some room for  ideas to gather up.

I don't want my stories to become a conveyor of mid-quality stuff and would rather spend some extra time working on something outstanding increasing quality with each and every iteration than produce a pile of mediocre content.

I understand that I already took a lot of credit from you guys and it's not good for me to take more. And I will make sure that all my work is of the best narrative, visual, and aesthetic that one can provide.

I understand that may lead to dissatisfaction from your side and will completely understand if you unsubscribe. However, if 12-15 books/month is still enough for you - I'd be happy to continue working for you all with that pace for the upcoming time until I introduce other projects I'm working right now.

TL;DR: All stories will be delivered. I just need some extra time. Thank you for your kindness and understanding.





When u only can make 1 Story a week is more than enought. So no worries and chill


Hey, don't beat yourself up, especially if the pace you set is unreasonable for your real world life. Tbh, one quality story per month would make me happy. You don't have to be churning out content like a madman.