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Hi Guys!

I know that Sakura's story is far from complete as of now, but I have just realized that today is one month since I began my content creator journey.

Long story short - it was an extremely tough decision and I backed off for several years before finally engaging into something I always wanted to work on - telling fun stories.

I truly appreciate each and every one of you and because of that decided to make a Poll - once Sakura's story book is complete - it is for you to decide who is going to receive their own side story!

While I won't be able to do something really big for now, as I've only started - I am currently testing out several ideas on what else I would like to try doing that covers up Breast Expansion topic and also thinking on making a bigger story that will connect all girls together (but of course only if that is what you guys would like to see so let me know!)

Anyways - Voting time!

Choose the girl whose story was the most to your liking during that first month, and the winner gets her exclusive side story!

Let me introduce our competitors:

1. Haruka - The Girl that Began It All
Age: 24 | Height: 5'6" | Origin: BEautiful Improvement Plan
Since she was set up to their company Performance Improvement Plan, she managed to skyrocket up the corporate ladder and gain a kink for financial domination. She knows her own worth, and without a doubt - she is quite an expensive one 😉

2. Sakura - The Mysterious Hacker
Age: 22 | Height: 6'5" | Origin: The Blossom of a Cherry
That particular girl is outstanding in everything she takes on, regardless of whether it's praise or criticism to her account. Clever, intuitive, graceful, but wrapped around her own excuses. It is only for you to decide whether or not you would like to make her happy 🤔

3. Alisa Pearl - A Horrifying DNA Scientist
Age: 19 | Height: 5'6" | Origin: Twisted BEauty
The most horrible story of all! Alisa is a dedicated enthusiast and will make everything to achieve her goals, even if that means violating the law. Also, She is the creator of the Breast Expansion serum, that helped her elder sister return her beauty to the way it was. She doesn't bite, unless you refuse to cooperate 🫣

4. Maria Pearl - The Prime Sister
Age: 25 | Height: 5'8" | Origin: Twisted BEauty
Dominant, Beautiful, exuding sexuality with each motion, Maria runs her DNA research laboratory and wishes to change the beauty industry. Loves her sister but just enough to receive a bit more than she gives. The real Black Pearl in its purity! 🐚

5. Akemi - A Wishful Magical Beast
Age: 26 | Height: 5'4" |  Origin: Cum Up With a Wish
A victim of her own husband's magical wish, Akemi grows in her mounds flesh each time she is injected with male semen. Thankfully, she is a lifelong optimist and has a magical ability to lift her breasts no matter how big they are.  Now call that a breaststroke! 🏊

6. Mikasa - The Priestess of Fertility
Age: 28 | Height: 5'8 | Origin: Knock-Knock Her Up!
Far descendant of the ancient Japanese clan, Mikasa shares her ancestors' ability to overovulate or, in simpler words, get pregnant and deliver children multiple times in a row. She almost never stops ovulating and her pregnancy risk without birth control tools is almost 100% each and every time. 🤰

Choose your favourite one down below! 👇

Cheers ✨


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