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Hey Patreon supporters! While I am in the process of finishing Episode 24 of Interface, I wanted to provide some more content in the meantime. So that is why, I'm doing a 2nd Q&A. You can ask me anything - whatever you like! It can be advice on animation, or what best way to open a banana, or how to commit bank fraud - anything goes! I will film all of the answers on a video and post it here.

If you missed part I you can find it here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37799188
Post your questions in the comments below.



Have you considered adapting Interface or some of your other works into a different format? Personally, I would be all over an Interface graphic novel.

Lucky Nyaa

How many pushups and chinups can you do? Also do you like soy sauce?


And one more, do you have plans to put Interface on Blu-Ray or DVD, upon completion? I would be all over that too.


does interface have any religious influences behind the characters and ideas like KAMI and Cerebral Energy?


Do you have any longer term projects planned after interface? Also, whats your favorite drink? (Alcoholic or not)


What is your perspective on living the art life (making a living by creating things)?


If someone wanted a Mischief themed tattoo, would be cool with that/making something to fit that persons messy tattoo arm? That person might be me

Tyler Snowberger

What are some of your favorite films and tv shows? And if you’re into the horror genre, then what are some of your favorite horror films specifically?

Tyler Snowberger

And also do you ever play video games? If so, what are some of your favorites?


Watching your videos, its clear you have a great knowledge on art. What would you say grabs you most about art and is there specifically a piece that stands out to you and speaks to you that you still have yet to convey in the show?

Andrew Muller

Going on a trip to Montreal in September, what are a couple places you recommend visiting?


How do you feel about being on the edge of ending Interface? Is it the really the end btw, or can we expect more side content from time to time?

The Shadow Emperor

Is there anything you wanted to include in Interface that didn't make the cut? Characters, scenes, artwork references, etc.?


1. What would you say, was and is the biggest inspiration in Interface episodes, scenes, script, etc? 2. What do you think about taking drugs for a trip and getting some ideas from that trip? I know, you don’t take any for such goal, but just imagine 3. What comes after Interface? 4. Do you workout? If yes, does it help you with creativity?


How do your collaborations usually work with other artists/voice actors when making your videos?


What is the best way to open a banana?


Will you be open to creating a directors commentary once it’s finished?


I’m an occasional artist and due to the pandemic and personal issues, I’ve found it difficult to start drawing again. I haven’t drawn in well over a year now. How do you personally push/convince yourself to make art?


How do you like your eggs? Your steak? And why are clams so mysterious? What are they hiding in there?

Delusional Entity

Where did you initially start to build a fan base and how did you get your work seen?


Thanks everyone. Video is up now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFLHQ6L58cE