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After all the characters we presented, you are probably wondering how the hell we will merge them all into one single story 👀

It has been a BIG challenge because we want to have a good narrative with interesting character development, such as we did with Fireside Fascination.  It has been damn difficult but we managed to get all the stories together and we are happy to say it works!! :D

We are currently working on the animatic, selecting the shots and designing how the characters will perform, and their specific dialogues. 

We will be showing previews of the animatic, starting with this post. We want to show you what the story is going to be about and how is going to be told. 

By the end, we will be showing you an animatic similar to this one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fireside-81675294

The final animatic should reflect the basic montage, rhythm and sound effects 🔉

We want to thank you for sticking with us. We understand this process has been a little different than Fireside Fascination, but believe us we are looking to archive something with the same quality! 💕

Love ya all! 

-Emi and Kahl ✨




Such a titanic project and how professional you guys work. I can't get over how well everything is calculated and scripted to create the perfect animation with all these different characters and stories. I'm sure it will be legendary 🔝🔝

christian valdez

Omg I feel like this is happening oh so fast I’m not complaining but the anticipation is getting to me lmao 🤣 I’m so exited and the starting frame 🤤 I just love to be a bear now


I feel this will pull at the heartstrings for sure but can't wait to see it all pan out.