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We got a surprise for you! ✨ In order to give you all more content, we are working with a third artist in order to create a comic following the events of "Floor 19".

The plan is to expand the story on the animation with a sequel on a comic format that will deepen in the lives of Pisco and Whiskey and their relationship.

Mentita is working on the story, Kahl is in charge of the pencils (panels, shots and poses) and our most recent talent Zorro Chino is in charge of embelishing everything with his awesome art style! ✏️

This side project will in no way impact negatively on the animation production times we've had during the last months. We are currently only working in this project on our free time and the real bulk of the job is all in hands of Zorro Chino.

We are just beginning to understand the overwhelming time and energy it takes to create the bigger and better animations we have planned for you and want to give you even more content along side the animation updates that will not stop coming your way. 

We will be uploading the first updates on the comic next week so you can already start following the oficial sequel for "Floor 19"! 🏢

P.D. : You can find Zorro Chino's amazing art at @El_zorro_chino on Twitter.




Que gran noticia! Espero con ansias el cómic!! Por cierto, si necesitáis descansar no os preocupéis, estáis haciendo un gran trabajo!


Muchas gracias! De verdad que nos alivia y alegra mucho leer tu mensaje. Nos sentimos muy afortunados de tenerles :D

SylverNyt (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-12 19:26:18 Oh man that sounds really exciting to hear about!!! I can’t wait to see more of this story start to come to life!!! That’s awesome!!! >w<
2023-07-10 13:21:55 Oh man that sounds really exciting to hear about!!! I can’t wait to see more of this story start to come to life!!! That’s awesome!!! >w<

Oh man that sounds really exciting to hear about!!! I can’t wait to see more of this story start to come to life!!! That’s awesome!!! >w<


Glad to know you are already excited! It'll be our first comic ever and want to see how much of these characters and universe we can expand on.