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Hey everyone!

Sharing with you the background and color tests for this shot. Kahl is still busy working on the animations but we wanted to show you this WIP before the weekend started. The background has more protagonism in a shot like this so we want to make sure it looks good! Next week, we'll present the completed version of this shot along with the others, all functioning together. We'll also provide more information about the upcoming shots! ✨

We also wanted to let you know that this weekend we'll be attending a local con in Mexico City named Pawercon. We will be giving a panel speaking about our story and process so it can inspire others with their own life projects. We'll try to take some pictures and videos!

We are also thinking of a way to engage with you with a virtual talk. We are still thinking of the structure and format. Maybe a live Q&A session... We'll see. Of course, any ideas are always welcome!

We love u all! :D

-Emi and Kahl



Asher Tail

Oh and have fun at the con!


Omg hot