Kim - Scene 1.7 - Breakdowns, Variations and Color Test (Patreon)
Hey all! Kahl here once again to show you more goodies! 🦌
Keys have been polished and rough breakdowns and in-betweens have been added in order to show a more fluid movement.
For the first gif you can see a full cycle of Kim going at it with both paw and maw at the same time. These movements will have their own rhythm and speed in the final animation but I'm showing them in sync here so it's all clearer.
The reason you see some frames flashing is because I don't draw everything in every frame, I just fill in the parts that are not a direct in-between since I can leave that for the cleaning phase.
In the second and third gif you can see each action separated with some slight variations we are adding in order to break the cycles and give more life to Kim. Just a small variation in time and facial expression works miracles!
Finally, I'm sharing a color test we are using as a reference so Emi can start working on backgrounds and illumination while I work on the final clean lines. This will also help me to foresee which kind of technique will be best to use for fills and cel-shading inside Blender.
Hope you like it and as always feel free to let us know any comments or questions. We are so happy to see you have liked the result so far and can't wait to bring you all the final polished shot.