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Hey all! First of all, we want to deeply thank you all for hanging around these almost three months of pre-production. The fact that you supported us all this time without receiving the final clean animations means the world to us and we promise to make up for it to you all.

This is a text-heavy post but we made a summary and some pictures that communicate the main idea of what we are planning for this project. In case you want more details you can read the whole post or ask us in the comments :3


In order to give you more constant polished content we will be splitting the production of 'After Dark' in such a way that you can watch it first as a miniseries with each secondary character's story functioning as a unique episode.

After we finish all 5 episodes we will re-use all scenes and add new ones to create the longer final short.

We are starting with Kim's episode.

1. Why we wanted to make 'After Dark' in the first place

After we finished 'Fireside Fascination' we received a lot of great feedback from you, our Patrons, and the rest of our public. With that, we had a clearer idea of where we had to go regarding AwArdiente's content. This new direction included:

  • To create animations that would bring something fresh and different to all the massive amount of yiff created every day.

  • To tell emotional stories with compelling characters that could only be told and shown in a unique genre such as furry porn.

  • To include sex-positive and human themes in our stories so they can be a good reference for the fandom.

  • To appeal as equally as possible to all the diversity of people and tastes in our fandom.

  • To give a cinematographic quality to juicy sex action.

  • To support our own community by hiring other furries to help us with production (especially voice actors).

  • To find ways of creating more finished content faster and better.

  • To involve our patrons as part of our creative team so they can interact more with us and slowly build a small community that seeks the same kind of content.

By following these tenets (and inspired by the idea of a sex party) we conceived 'After Dark'. The only missing aspect of it was your participation and that's why we asked you for your input on those previous polls.

We were so inspired by your answers and the stories that came up from them that we decided we would make this animation happen no matter what. The only problem was how the hell we would do it.

2. The challenges of 'After Dark'

Even though we are up to anything that may come up in production, it's important to consider all the implications that a project of this magnitude has, including:

  • Lots of time to create the final animation. Which means you'd have to wait a lot before seeing the final result.

  • Lots of budget to pay for so many voice actors and other helping hands. With the income we currently receive, it would take more time for us to save enough to pay them.

  • You would see many disconnected scenes that would make little sense unless you were deeply involved in production.

  • Lots of trial and error before coming up with a montage that would tell the story in a very clear way.

  • A major logistic complexity in order to coordinate, animation, voice acting, edition, post-production, etc.

3. What we came up with to solve such challenges

Luckily, we thought of an idea that could let us tackle such obstacles and at the same time offer you great content while we finish the production of the final animation. This solution involves a particular production strategy:

We will basically divide production in such a way that we will work on all the scenes of one particular secondary story at a time. These secondary stories will be:

1. Employee of the year, Kim

2. Daring Neil & Dante

3. Vince's best boy

4. Alex & Todd's best adventure

5. Kevin's first time

As we finish every scene of each story, we'll make a unique full animation with its own tone, story, sounds, visual effects, montage, etc. That means we'll have 5 short animations that will emulate the episodes of a miniseries and will also act as build-ups for the final animation. These episodes will also reveal more background of the characters that could not be told in the longer animation.

But what about Beau, Elliot, Max, and Jay? Since their narrative events and conflicts are deeply connected with the general environment of the party, their stories will be told in the final long animation that will include the scenes of all previous episodes. And of course, we will also be watching them in some of the other character's stories. For example, Max & Jay will appear in Kevin's episode and Beau & Elliot will appear in Vince & Luis'. But we'll strive to show them at least a little bit in each episode.

4. So what's next?

By following this workflow, we decided to start working on Kim's story first.

Emi is already finishing the animatic for Kim's episode so you can see what we came up with for his story ;3 We hope you like the twist we are giving to his scenes.

Meanwhile, Kahl is working on the first shot so you can see the first fully animated bit of this big project as soon as possible :D

To finish this long post, we also want you to know we will be doing constant updates to the master animatic that will help us to not lose focus of the bigger picture. We'll let you know whenever we upload a new version of this animatic in case you wanna check it out.

And that's all! Please feel free to let us know of any questions or feedback you may have in the comments or through PM. You all are always our priority and want to honor your trust, support and love ❤️


-Kahl & Emi




Really love how engaged you have been and I really like seeing the behind the scenes like this. I think episodic release is a great idea and I really can't wait to see every part of this excellent story!

christian valdez (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-29 11:34:05 Wow absolutely brilliant. I was thinking and hoping these characters would have after side stories or spin offs but I love this idea where we get to know each one of them alittle more so it’s more context for each scene. Great job! I am so excited and can’t wait for this amazing project
2024-03-29 11:34:05 Wow absolutely brilliant. I was thinking and hoping these characters would have after side stories or spin offs but I love this idea where we get to know each one of them alittle more so it’s more context for each scene. Great job! I am so excited and can’t wait for this amazing project
2024-03-28 02:45:09 Wow absolutely brilliant. I was thinking and hoping these characters would have after side stories or spin offs but I love this idea where we get to know each one of them alittle more so it’s more context for each scene. Great job! I am so excited and can’t wait for this amazing project

Wow absolutely brilliant. I was thinking and hoping these characters would have after side stories or spin offs but I love this idea where we get to know each one of them alittle more so it’s more context for each scene. Great job! I am so excited and can’t wait for this amazing project


Glad you like the episodic release idea =D We love doing storytelling and we are having so much fun with this project!


Thanks so much! :3 That's exactly the idea. We want to give depth to every character with these episodic releases. It's an exciting montage exercise because we are taking all the scenes and re-inventing them into a different/new story, such as you saw with Kim

Matthew Fawkes

I just watched the first draft of the After Dark animatic. You are pushing this fandom forward with your work! I am loving every bit of this! Cannot wait to see the final product!